Infinite scrolling VS pages for forums

Pages plz. In between games I like to browse the top page of the forums, then go back to game.

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Pages by a mile.
(probably the same length of the thread scroll)

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Pages, I bloody hate the scrolling.

Throwing down feed back to day I also much preferred the page system

I like the pages better.

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Pages like holy crap how is this even a question

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I’d like an option for pages. Especially for when I’m out and about and reading the forums on my old laptop. It’s fine for my desktop, but infinite scrolling can be pretty taxing on older systems.

Pages. The forums themselves cause twitch to buffer continuously until you leave them.


I really don’t like the infinite scrolling, and would prefer it to be optional.

I’d also like to be able to use Ctrl-F to find text with my browser without it being intercepted/stolen/repurposed by the forum. I feel like this breaks lots of unwritten rules about User Interface design, like forcing a Windows application to look & behave like MacOS, or applying fancy themes to applications, when you’ve specifically turned them off (for good reason).

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Pages were better. Hopefully they add an option for us to choose which we prefer.

It is impossible to find anything with this infinite scrolling.
I just stcroll to the bottom and hope for the best.

PLEASE bring Pages back, Blizz. Or at least give us the option. Infinite scrolling is just so awful and slows everything down.

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To the top with ye! Pages please.