Indirect vs Direct balance changes - "Waaaaa mercy waaaa"

They nerfed genji by adding moira. Nothing was changed about genji. That is called an indirect balance change.

They nerfed pulse bomb. They changed Tracer. That is called a direct balance change.

Ana and lucio have been seen as garbage for quite some time. Mercy/zen have been must picks for quite some time. Brig is brig. Mercy and brig are getting nerfed. (zen high skill so he stays the same).
This is called an Indirect balance change because it means that Ana and Lucio will have more viability.
I can’t speak for lucio, but Ana has been needing another buff for a while. 4 bullets was nice but it wasn’t enough, this is them balancing the scale.

Mercy mains got the benefit of boosted SR from almost 9 seasons of mass rez.
Ana mains actually require skill. Mercy mains are about to be overshadowed by actual players. Mercy mains complain.

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It was fixed, and has not had mass rez for 9 seasons NANI



You mistake “aim” as the only skill required to play overwatch effectively.


Mercy has been in the meta longer than any other character.

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I’m well aware that mercy mains need to know how to hide from everything and run away from fights as well

That’s why I said “almost.”
I was gonna look up the exact date but it was a little too much lol.

respec for genji

say WHAT?! we’re in season 11 and Mass Rez was removed a year ago, where the heck did you pull 9 seasons from? lmao.


But it’s not even almost 9 seasons the heck.

You gotta send me this

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Zen has been meta longer than Mercy.


You mean how to do links?

No, just the link to the gif. I can post it, just need the link for it

And tracer only needs to know how to shoot and manage her blinks.

See we can both over simplify hero’s.


If I were you, I would take the time to actually fact check myself before making such a wrong statement. Mercy only had Mass Rez for a little more than 6 seasons. Mercy was only called overpowered and too strong once the invulnerability was added some time in season 3. So technically, Mercy was considered Overpowered by the community for 3 seasons.

oh okay:
ignore the = sign

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That is probably accurate, notice how there is minimal “Nerf Zeny” posts on the forums.

In my opinion, across the board regardless of rank Mercy is a problem and Zeny is just a problem in higher ranks.

Maybe, but this is where he’s the most devastating. Imo discord is still way too powerful to the point most defensive support abilities can be cancelled out by it.

…except that is literally all there is to tracer.
Except she’s like mercy and she needs to hide and avoid team fights.
And heal herself…actively.

So I guess you could say that tracer is like mercy but requires actual mechanical skill. And cooldown management.

You can make this argument for Brigitte not needing the shield bash CD increase. With Wrecking ball coming to the game (a soft counter that enables dive against her) she’ll have less impact than she does already, and to top it off the hit scan heroes are all getting range buffs.

This will make all barriers weaker and as a result make dive the only comp to play again. The issue is since Brigitte is getting this nerf she won’t be able to slow down the new dive meta. Expect multiple season of dive only compositions now because there isn’t really any counter play to it in game…

Thanks <3

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