rochet punch hitbox is already the size of titanic. wth are you talking about? not to mention that ridiculous damage he can do with it.
doomfist difficulty is pretty high. most players cannot play him as it should but even so, they are getting kills and they have a decent win rate. this means that he is OP af. I am surprised that he was not buffed by now.
let’s take sombra for comparison. veeery effective and good hero if played well. but the skillcap is so high for her. I’d say that she is the most difficult hero to play with. but when everything done right with her, she can turn a match in seconds.
Play Doomfist, then. If a blind man could become professional by playing Junkrat and Doomfist, surely a sighted one like yourself should have no issue.
Sorry I always get annoyed when someone comments on Hanzo’s projectile size. People do realise that Hanzo’s arrows are the same size as Genji’s shurikens?
Relative size Hanzo actually has one of the smallest projectiles in the game, can we pls stop pretending Hanzo has over sized hitboxes because he does not.
Here’s some proof: (h)ttps://
I started playing this game with heroes that I like. heroes like genji, soldier, hanzo, Winston and zen. being in need to learn few more heroes, I picked ana as the second healer ,orisa and zarya as tanks. played some roadhog long time ago but didn’t like it.
I can tell you that I will probably never play doomfist or junkrat. if I will ever learn a new hero, it will most likely be reaper. or mcree. I am even thinking on learning sombra.
Most people who say stuff like “his RP is so huge!”, “RP is overpowered!”, “doomfist needs a nerf”, etc almost always have little to no time on him. Seen this in many threads already.
Oh, come on. His Rocket Punch is so unreliable right now that most good players don’t even use it for kills, they use it for mobility. It needs a buff.