Incorrect Season Ending Rank

is this getting fixed ?


Exact same thing here but with open queue i had diamond 5 high and finished diamond 5 but it said i ended plat 1.


All we can do is hope my guy i just want at least credit for acheiving first time diamond.

Same thing here, I was master 5 on support, but now it says my end rank was Diamond 1. Thankfully i got the master rewards since I was master on the other roles, but it’s a big Bother and I would like it fixed


It happened to me as well. All 3 of my tank, dps, and support ranks were all significantly lower.

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Exact same here, ended Dimond 5, got plat rewards

Yeah same i also dont understand why they would restart me in bronze if i was platinum very odd

Same thing happened to me, my final rank when the season ended was Masters 5 but when I logged in after season 2 began it said my final rank was Diamond 1 and I got the rewards for ending diamond instead of masters.

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Same issue. I got to diamond 4 and then deranked to diamond 5 before the end of the season and decided not to play that role competitively specifically to get the diamond rewards. Log in today for it to tell me I finished plat 1. Seems like this is an issue people are only having if they were rank 5, which is complete bs. Diamond 5 is not plat 1. They better fix this.

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same issue i was diamond 5 and got plat rewards

I finished season 1 as diamond 2 support, it dropped my finishing rank to diamond 5 for some reason. It’s also displaying my open queue rank as plat 2 right now, even though I finished at Masters 4 and haven’t played any placements yet…

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I’ve also had the same issue. I did receive the diamond challenger reward and competitive points, but it says my support rank is gold 2 when it was diamond 5 pre-update. DPS has gone from plat to silver 1 and tank from plat 5 to gold 4. Hoping this will be sorted soon and I can play competitive!

Situation is the same for me, except it dropped my damage from d4 to p1, and support from d4 to d5.

Same. Finished platinum 5 with season high of platinum 4 but was given gold rewards.

The amount of glitches, bugs, account data being lost, server stability and other issues have over worn their welcome. I finished last season as Diamond 2 support and it says I finished at Diamond 5. I also finished Open Queue as Masters 4 and when I logged in and went to try and play a comp game, it says I’m Platinum 2, and I’ve played zero placements yet… this is all getting ridiculous. Why on earth would I want to grind it out and spend 40+ hours on comp to climb, only for my stats to get wiped and get massively deranked when a season ends?

On top of that, I’ve been unable to purchase any cosmetic items for hero’s since OW2 launched. The unlock button is grayed out and I can’t use any of my existing currency, or battle pass currency to buy anything.

I’ve submitted multiple support tickets, and the responses I’ve received haven’t been useful or helpful in any way. They refer us to this forum, where it sure feels like we are all being ignored.

I’ve been playing this since Overwatch 1 launched, but Blizzard’s support, maintenance, and overall communication to the players is abysmal. I have no desire to grind it out and climb all the way back up knowing that this will happen again. They either fix this and make things right for all of us or I’m done with this faulty game.

Exact same thing, went from diamond 5 to plat 1 on support and was severely undercut in the comp points i received

In overwatch 2 in competition matches as tank I peaked diamond 3 and ended platinum 1. On support I ended as diamond 4. When I received my rewards for season 1 at the start of season 2 it only rewarded me with platinum rewards and I don’t have the diamond competitor title. Can this be corrected?

Same. I peaked and ended at diamond 5 but went to plat 2 and only got plat rewards

Same here. My final rank as support, which I managed to raise from platinum 1 to diamond 5, this was approximately 40 minutes before the end of the season. But my final rank for the season was platinum 1.

Same except I got no rewards. Ended at Gold 5, stats say Silver 5 (except one glitched screen that’s hard to get to), but no rewards whatsoever.