Incorrect Ranking S4 + Permanent Bronze 5

Make another account play it at least 50-100 games and you will see there is no bug

Considering the Devs have acknowledged there’s an issue you are wrong, why should someone have to create another account just to be able to rank thats just stupid.

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Devs talk too much about the things they never understand before they start playing their game.

Please leave the thread and stop spreading misinformation.

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No it is an actual bug, I got ranked down despite winning 5 ranked matches in a row with 0 losses. That’s not me being bad, that’s an actual bug.


it seems you might be experiencing the Bronze 5 Minimum Value bug. You are not alone in experiencing this this issue. Here is a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I’ve compiled a list of posts regarding similar bugs under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads, we must demand the Developers to give us the rewards we rightfully earned.

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whatever you do dont give that random guy your account


Yeah, I completely agree with this statement, this guy asking for accounts needs to be banned and removed from the forums.


Bro there are multiple people experiencing the same bug and many of them played the seasons before in higher ranks. See the linked thread above. This isn’t just a skill issue of some players, as many helpful people wanna name it.

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And it fixes by keep on playing 2-3 splits, and it is done, then you skyrocket in SR.

Who are you? I fix issues, and you?

Useless ppl like you should go outside more and touch the grass when they can not be usefull in the net.

I hope your problem gets fixed


Same for me. Fully stuck at bronze 5 and can’t go up no matter what. Hope it gets fixed


this has been happening since release. I managed to get to Gold 5 once and deranked thanks to a bunch of disconnections that had nothing to do with me. But I still played since I already went to gold 5, I can do that again but no, no matter what I do, I can’t rank up. I play with old overwatch players that are in Diamond and Masters and they say I belong in Gold. But now I’m stuck in bronze 2, I diff support most of the time since I clearly shouldn’t be in bronze but I don’t get any rank updates.


It baffles me that this is such a common problem… i just ran into the problem myself getting me insanely demoralised, cause i thought i was to terrible to rank up. later that week i played 4 rank-ups, 2 of them 5-0 win ratio and i still stuck at bronze 5 support without any remorse. i would love to see this problem fixed cause i seriously dont see the reason wasting my time playing ranked, just to get kicked in the shin back to back without any satisfaction about the hard work i put in… my sincere condolences to all suffering from the same problem.


I am in the same boat. Started a new account half way through S3. When i did my placement, got placed at Silver 1. A bad string of games (solo queing) later, i ended the season at bronze 3. S4 comes around and i start at Bronze 5. Just did 3 rank cycles and went 15-5 and didnt move at all. I dps main and hover around 14k damage. Im not saying i should be in GM or anything but damn sure shouldnt be at bronze 5. Ive played with GMs and a couple top500 players and they all say that i should, at the very least, be mid to high gold

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Yeah exactly the same here, im done with the game for now until it gets fixed but it doesnt seem to be a priority for Blizz.


This is a bug I played 5 games 5 wins 0 losses average damage per 10 min - 12000, kills per death 26 - Bronze 5! Welcome to mars! Repeated it again - bronze 5 again! and one more time! 100% winrate - bronza 5!!!

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I posted this in another related thread that was open here (Possible Ranking Bug) I went 5 wins 4 losses and went Bronze 4 to 5 in this video:
2023 04 15 14 13 17 - YouTube
After this I played another 8 games and won 5, lost 3, but was still stuck Bronze 5.

I really don’t know where I belong in rankings, but it feels like reading tea leaves to understand the system. It seems that if I’m coming out of games with usually a 3:1 or better KD and well over 50% wins to losses that I should be ranking up. Instead of a transparent system where I can understand what I need to do to climb ranks, it’s a black box where I have to wonder whether I’m truly this bad or affected by a bug. I play QP with diamond players daily who seem fairly confused as to my bronze 5 rating in DPS.

I pulled the data from Blizzard using their request option and a lot of my recent games say INVALID under the Leaderboard Region column, and there’s no data under any of the columns like the characters I picked or my role. They’re in slots between games which have epoch timestamps around the time I was deranking with a positive winrate. No idea if this is a factor, but it sure seems like weird data and adds to the confusion. Maybe there’s a bug where these games are being counted as losses when they shouldn’t?

As a side note, I’ve had no problem climbing the ranks in support, but DPS seems to be a downward trajectory no matter what I do.


Now do 2 more splits with 5-0. It took me maximum of 4 splits (20-0).
Bronze rank in ow1 was 0-1499 SR - that is an issue + bottom500 below there.
Other ranks are like 500 SR width compared to 1000-1500 in bronze5 which is comparable to 10-15 divisions. So you basically need to up 3 ranks instead of 1 as you think (depending on how deep your MMR was set after derank or whatever brought you there)

I did this my new account ranked gold. It’s a bug shut your pie hole.