Incoming DF adjustments

The title is indeed misleading and should be changed.

You’re countered plus you obviously don’t have the skill to kill him. It’s a you problem more than anything.

If a DF player keeps killing you you’re now throwing p much by not switching to a support where he won’t be able to pick you off so easily.

The problem with Doom is that his abilities are too forgiving, most of his abilities will hit you even when they shouldn’t. Seismic slam will hit you if you are off to the side of him, uppercut will hit you even if his fist doesn’t hit you in the animation, rocket punch will hit you even if you are to the side of him.

Not to mention that he has too much leeway in his rotation during abilities, he should have to commit to an angle of attack not be able to make last second decisions to turn completely to the side or to turn around during a punch.

Upper cut makes it so you have 0 mobility, yet now that they changed his shotgun blast it’s like being hit by a super accurate torb.

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Yeah. There was a change in early DF times, where they made hitbox of his rocket punch smaller, so players had to actually aim with it (which seems like a good thing, considering you are basically aiming a death sentence ability).

All bugs aside - it seems like for once, all those “pro gold DF players” coouldn’t grasp the concept that they can no longer instakill people by aiming on the empty air, so it was changed back.


Yeah doom was more fair when his shotgun blast wasn’t insanely accurate. It’s a death sentence to get upper cutted now when you had the chance to survive before. I remember playing doom before his buffs and I could still kill people with his shotgun during an uppercut but people had a chance to survive which is fair.

The current hitbox isn’t even close to what it was originally.

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Well, from my experience of countless deaths, it is still pretty BS.

People will say that it has to hit you but it doesn’t, I have been cheesed countless time by each of dooms abilities that magically seem to hit you even when they shouldn’t.

There’s not any rational balancing here, these people just want him nerfed into the gutter so they don’t ever have to see him again, like back when he was bugged.

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Yeah. Heaven forbid a character who can perform well under the right hands not have bugs.

Well, that’s what having an ability to one-shot does to you.
People are not going to like you. Big surprise.

Edit: Stun-locks and One-shots will give you much more hate than praise. You can’t avoid that.

It wasn’t changed back though. The hitbox was made slightly bigger (we’re talking a few pixels) so Doomfist stops going through people. It’s still not even close to the way it was when he was released.

Yeah, I know. Also someone already answered this one.

Still - even if it’s not “the same” as before, there are a lot of instances where he should go around but instead, he punches air and you die. Kinda just adds salt to injury.

Arguably its a two way street. When you’re doom and are in the air from an uppercut, you’re also vulnerable and unable to move (unless you use RP or slam). I’ve been hooked out of the air and headshot a number of times during an uppercut. I’ve also done the same to enemy dooms.

Yeah well anybody is vulnerable if you put yourself in a vulnerable situation, it doesn’t mean doom having a super accurate torb shotgun is the right solution. They should make it so the both the person getting uppercutted and doom ahve some air control if that’s a reasonable way to make both sides happy now that his gun is so good.

Well, if it was any smaller he would go through people again, so I’m not sure what you expect them to do. Latency is still a thing.

I would rather doom go through people if he didn’t actually deserve to hit you then to gib you with a badly aimed rocket punch.

Preach. I can’t remember the last time I died and didn’t think it was BS. To anyone, not just Doomfist

If he went through you in the first place then he deserved to hit you.

I am sorry but no, it’s too forgiving when he is insta-gibbing people off to the side of him.