Incoherent Ramblings Concerning OW

There’s 3 lines into a building: red, green and blue. Every person in line has purchased a non refundable ticket for a tour. The goal is for as many tours as possible for all participants.

Red line has 70 people, green line 20 people and blue line 10 people. Two people at a time must enter the building with two from each of the other lines, creating groups of 6. Once the tour is completed, all colors can return to their color line to rejoin the group.

At the end of the day, groups can only go as fast as the number of blue liners. So 10 blues, 10 greens, and 10 reds enter together. When they come back from the tour, all 10 blue get to go again, the 10 greens who were waiting now get to go, and 10 new reds get to go. Blue line has completed the tour, green too. Meanwhile 50 red liners are still waiting to go through 1 time, when blue line returns for their third trip, and half of green is about to get their second.

Now here’s where this becomes important.

If blue line gets tired of the tour and leaves, nobody can tour anymore.

Likewise if green line gets bored and half of them leave, there’s still 60 reds in waiting at time.

There’s only 2 ways to give red line a faster tour-

Either make every line red line
Make green line and blue line more appealing.

This isn’t about color lines or tours.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

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I’m gonna stand in the red line just to drag it out as long as possible.

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Every time I stand in red line (despite the thousands spent in blue) I feel like I’ve won. Because I’ve experienced so many guttings and nerfings to the blue line experience for the sake of red line, that making that wait for others just a “wee bit longer” produces feelings of winning.

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Just imagine if tomorrow everyone stood in the red line and they had to close the whole amusement park down because people were standing in the wromg line.

building management already tried both and red liners have made it clear that they aren’t interested in the blue or green lines.

No. Management did away with all lines and used to have a “free for all”.

They’ve never made every line red.

They’ve also never made green and blue appealing. Green and blue need more content. Who’s to say if green and blue also had 17 options to choose from that they wouldn’t be popular?


Or do a bit of both.


Make Supports more appealing to Support players, and DPS players.

That’s definitely not ‘a bit of both’ then.

I guess. I kinda view it as making the blue be more purplish, but also appealing to hard blue players.

No, no- you’ve misunderstood what I said in the OP.


Like no other colors exist anymore. Everything is just red.

Well skipping over the analogies, got any suggestions on these Support change ideas I’m working on?


Well that is a HotTake.

That said, I fully expect devs to just dump buffs on Supports until they are “Fun enough”.

Probably mostly being Dueling Buffs, or SelfPeel buffs.

In reality they could just bring back Brig’s Shield Bash stun and solve 90% of the issue.

Also this.

Maybe something that will give you some insight for hero changes. Because IMO it’s always 1/2 of the issues that gatekeep heroes.

I get the feeling you’re just trying to make jokes :stuck_out_tongue:

No. It instantly solves the DF, Tracer, Genji issues.

Not to mention how broken Ball is.

I don’t really see a problem with Dive being meta, compared to GOATs-ish Deathball or some style of Bunker.

I got a big preference towards OW2 being an overall “Offense Biased” game.

A smart business would do this or make the other 2 as close to this as they can.

Like a restaurant would focus on dishes they sell hundreds every month rather than the dish that they only sell to 20 specific people every month.

Anf if they decided to cater to the people that bought this specific dish and ignore the majority , then their restaurant would close down because their customer base would be very small and the majority of the customers would just find new restaurants to eat at.

If the restaurant loses the 20 or so customers that liked the low selling dish, it wouldnt really affect the monthly sales much. Especially if they introduce a new dish in its place instead that the majority would love.