Include some type of skill based act for Sombra's hack?

Playing ball (and arguably others) is one of the highest ceiling skill champs in the game.

Countering ball as sombra requires little to ZERO skill in the game.

How about including some timing mechanism, or some simplistic mechanism (such as a short, random timing bar that they have to quickly land in the designated area, or perhaps a short instant mouse movement to pop-up weakness points, similar to Fortnites wall weakness spots).

There’s no way the best ball player can outplay the most mediocre sombra, making such a hard counter so easy to perform unfun for everyone… including the sombras I’d argue

tickle tickle, im sombra
tickle tickle, look at me (or you can’t cuz im invisible)

Such a bad hero design.
Not the first to say it.
Won’t be the last.
Either delete her from the game, or rework her again

FFS, change her class to a support hero like you changed doomfists class after his rework

Nobody wants her in the current state she’s in. NOBODY.

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As to rework for hack to be “skilled” what about the hack from NieR:Automata?

Will it be skillful enough for you?


Oh and I want her in her current state…

They don’t want to touch her hack. Didn’t you hear? It’s apart of her ambiguous “Hero Fantasy.”

It’s wild to me that they had 3 opportunities to remove hack, the most hated ability in the game, and they some how thought it would be a good idea to remain in the game.

Oh, but at least you have 0.65 seconds to react to her. Y’know, 0.65 seconds to somehow 360 and land a shot before it finishes (which is really 0.25 seconds for ball since he has to spend 0.4 seconds swapping out of roll mode).