Inactivity Kick

I was in the middle of a custom Widow game and all of a sudden the banner for inactivity appeared. I moved to get it away then carried on playing but as I was in the middle of combat (clearly moving) the banner came up again except this time I was actually kicked out of the game.

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The inactivity timer in Custom games is quite brutal when it comes to sniper games. I believe this is going to to be fixed with the workshop patch where the timer will become adjustable by the host IIRC.

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Inactivity is not only for not moving it’s also for not doing damage.

If you don’t do damage for long enough = kick

Then just click someones head.

Sorry if I’m garbage at the game, but kicking me because I didn’t do damage quick enough makes me want to not play.

I ran a few tests with inactivity in customs. So if you don’t move then it will give you a stage 1 kick. If you move then inactivity delays. It does vary in terms of what you do (shoot, jump, “C” wheel something). Stage 2 is if you do not take damage or make damage then it will kick you despite running around, shooting and emoting, etc. Stage 2 takes around a minute before it happens.

I remember reading a thread that Blizzard may have placed this due to XP farmers. I was even hoping that in customs at least they have a setting to remove this and even sacrifice XP if this setting is on in order to enjoy the games.

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Not to worry, Joshary. Sniper modes in Custom games are essentially a “battle against the inactivity timer” and can be tricky even to experienced players. :slightly_smiling_face:

Keith Miron, one of the OW devs who is currently working on the workshop had this to say about the timer:

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Man it was really dumb of them to ever really crack down on lootbox farming. As though you could get an insane amount of them from hour long games compared to how many 5 bucks would get you.

Or heck, whatever golden ratio you’d get from having really short repeated matches pales in comparison for how much you’d get for buying them.