Inactive players should be removed after 10 seconds

Either you’re playing or you’re not.
How often do one or two guys in defense not even choose a character a minute after the attacker’s door opened? What are they even doing? Waiting for the AFK timer to start? They’re not in the game, they’re not playing. Get rid of them.
That kind of behavior creates really one-sided match where one team will get destroyed because they start the match with one player down and they get snowballed from there.


It really is the Primary fallout from LEAVER penalties and forced Defense matches.

Plus most people really dont want to walk 100 miles to the enemy’s spawn room just to settup. Jus saying.

Welp, sometimes i have this scenario at home while playing >
“air siren - rocket our vector! ( you have 1-3 minutes till it reaches it’s target)”
I don’t have time to move to underground parking so i go behind 3 walls - wait, then it sais that it landed elsewhere so I can go back as no targets are in the air for now > If I’m lucky and i touch my mouse before I’m kicked i can continue play QP just fine, but if I’m not lucky I’m already kicked, and once in a few days it can be 2-4 times per night so i have 10 minutes penalty
Some days it’s perfectly fine, some days like ^. sry can’t control

Yesterday had a game like this where I was afk cause of it and my teammates thought that i was afk on purpose, then i wrote down why i was afk and they became silent for the rest of the match…

and what’s more, sometimes you desperately need to go to the toilet and 60% of the time it kicks you out cause of it :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If you lose because someone was afk for less than a minute, you were not going to win regardless.

you’re definetely not an alergy victim, 10s is not enough to sneeze and get you hands clean

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I’ve had games where I sit on the objective (whilst everyone else rushes ahead) for 10 seconds without seeing an enemy.

10 seconds is not enough time for me to join a party and get my mic plugged in. It’s just outrageous. Especially given you can get kicked in Overwatch while killing opponents. :joy:

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You’re doing something, you’re on the objective. And you’re probably still looking around, right?

Why do you need to wash your hands after you sneeze? Just use a tissue? Especially if you know you have allergies, how come you don’t have any tissue around?
Worst-case scenario, sneeze into your elbow?

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Impossible, my wife sentences can’t last less than 15 seconds and I have to listen to them carefully to avoid heartquakes


Sounds like it’s time to leave that relationship.

But she cooks so well <3

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this, again, shows you don’t know any sht about alergy
alergy sneeze aren’t just one and off, and one single tissue will not get your hands clean
and sneeze into elbow won’t magically solve the problem
i would not touch my m&c with my dirty hands, bc i’m a well educated person with proper hygine sense, not like someone in this thread
so once again, you know not a single sh
t about alergy, you self-centric douchebag

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Sounds like you have more important “sht” to worry about. Go see a therapist. That’s no way to talk to someone and it certainly doesn’t help your case.
And maybe next time your mom gets a common cold, she can show you how to sneeze into a tissue, so you don’t put snots all over your hands every time you sneeze.
And if it handicaps you so much, maybe it’s time to find a new game. Team games aren’t for you.

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The AFK system is bad, but your suggestion is even worse. I could make it better but only if they hire me.

Oh and backfill does not send out a notification on the player’s end, so it’s not their fault if they aren’t notified in a backfill. It’s the game’s fault.

Ehh i wouldnt say that. Especially as you get in higher ranked games.

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Fair enough. They could add this feature for GM players.


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Dont worry can play and play with tons of cheater, with useless develeper and trash support, pay and u can u everything

TBH I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Sweating heavily in Quickplay leads to problems.

I use to be a semi competitive player and did not appreciate “throwers” and people afk’ing or not trying.

I realized after the matches were becoming highly unfair, that players were wearing out from the endless stomps and just wanted to have fun instead of pew-pew to glory.

I joined them.

I’d save the aggression for competitive Ranked matches and chill tf out for unranked matches. Its how I enjoy Overwatch. :slight_smile:

So if I’m behind their team with my ult, being perfectly still so they don’t hear me while waiting for my team to regroup I should be kicked out? Despite this play probably winning us the fight?

I wouldn’t be against a kick countdown starting for players that are still in spawn on defence when the match starts, but leave it at that