In PvE you have your teammates' health in the upper left hand corner

then why not on PvP?

why would it be important against AI, but not important against other people

it’s a well established practice that needs to be sought out for it’s inconsistencies and be cast to the wayside.


We have been asking why we can’t alter our own UI for PvP since they started doing this in events for OW.

It’s honestly… stupid. No answers have been given to us.


I’ve wanted this for such a long time. HP and ultimate charge info on teammates, like we have on PvE events on OW1.

I know we can press tab, but it’s so uncomfortable and dangerous in certain situations.


It might be because in PVE it’s an automatic defeat if everyone goes down, so it’s easier and more manageable to know who to heal and when to take cover etc.

what you say is true, but that’s still no good reason to no give it to us in PvP

if it’s important to know in PvE, it’s important to know in PvP (at least in 65%+ of PvP situations)


pretty sure its screen clutter, it all well and good having 3 other name boxes in your corner during pve but in multiplayer you will get 5, id imagine it will look like one half of a screen when you watch owl with 12 bars up on disp[lay.

obviously they could condense down to to name or character with ult progress but again screen clutter, how to make it stand out without it being distracting, will it hinder gameplay by obscuring vision?

yeah, but then just give the option to turn it off


It could be something optional still. No reason not to add it for those that want it, which are most of us in the lower elos.


because it would lower the skill and game sense required.

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You could argue the same with anything that added convenience.
Like the Zen UI healing addition.

Pressing TAB doesn’t make you skillful, it just wastes time. It’s an unnecessary step to seeing important game information.


Not really, most game sense is about predicting the enemies next move and ult combos, teammate health is really only useful for supports and even they can see who needs healing already. You can already see teammate health by enabling health bars and can see their exact ult charge in the menu, so why not have an option to make seeing it easier. You can disable it but it’s there for those that want it.


Tab doesnt show HP, just ult charge and zens UI update is just for him and kinda lame.

Knowing when your team is in danger is skillful and requires games sense, giving someone an easy answer is just reducing the amount of awareness you need.

What isn;t skillful is giving everyone stuff for free so they don’t have to improve to perform better.

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You can see HP by enabling health bars already

Also seeing your teammates’ ult charge is already available, but it’s uncomfortable to use, not skillful.

Having information there, easy to access makes it so you can actually focus on performing better.

I don’t have a problem with that. You make it sound objectively bad.

i dont think pressing tab to see ult charges requires some skill xD
its just annoyng

yes and that requires you to keep an eye on your team, you can just look forward and know, look around and be aware, a UI requires glancing up, it’s just lazy.

Performance is based off knowing where and what status your team is and the enemy, with this feature you cut out a large part of that.

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Then what about the ult charge?

why is this not important in PvE though?

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Because it’s a different style of play against mindless bot that will act a certain way most of the time, people are unpredictable and that second you lose track can turn into an enemy advantage.

To be fair it is kinda lame, just like seeing an enemies ult when you die to them. You should be communicating to plan things not just, TAB oh okay lololol.

Just my opinion on these subjects, but OW gets lamer and lamer because they just keep on spoon feeding everything.

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Then I assume you play with your HUD off?

Might as well after saying this.

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