In GM this week Genji is the 2nd most picked dps with a 55% winrate

and this forum is any better? that sounds like blatant bias to me lmao

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I mean, 90% of the Twitch chat is the same people spamming C9 even when both enemy teams are spawning and preparing for the match to startā€¦


Genji and Ana both have really good synergy and they are both played purely because people find those heroes fun. Neither is actually meta ā€“ at least nowhere as meta as lucio/zen/brig/rein/zarya/dva.

Those heroes are played just because they are fun. Neither needs nerfs or buffs. If dive comes back, genji will have the same pick rate and he still wonā€™t need nerfs or buffs.

Imo genji is the most balanced hero in OW. Blizz should balance around him, not around tracer like they seem to like to do.

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In GM Ana is picked much more than Genji

Ana is Genjis main cling to viability in this meta in the form of Nanoblade, while Ana is picked much more than Genji, meaning she is the major reason he is remotely viable in this meta.

Genji is a popular hero because he is fun to play and his design is interesting.

Honestly, the average teenager seeing the game isnā€™t going to go for a boring looking hero, a cyborg ninja with the ability to summon a spirit dragon WILL CATCH THEIR ATTENTION.



Well, you can actually read what is said, follow a conversation, and there is no one spamming residentsleeper, so yeah, as a matter of fact, this forum is miles better than Twitch chat.

Actually if GOATS gets nerfed we will see a more Deathbally/Double Sniper comp.

Read it and weep, Genji haters. Please stop spamming the forums with your nonsense. Genji is not OP.


Ironically all the spamming they did to whine gave us key leverage in warding the whining off :rofl:


:slight_smile: True that, friend. Pretty sure Jeff Kaplan had said it before that they didnā€™t think Genji was OP. Guess they needed a reminder.

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Correct, he said it back in October of 2017, DURING DIVE.

Honestly if in Genjiā€™s best meta he was a mere sidekick and not deemed overpowered he wonā€™t be overpowered in a meta where he is only clinging onto life because of one Egyptian Grandma giving him a canister of Red Bull :sweat_smile:


Heā€™s only not used that often because GOATS exists as a viable (often already-picked) counter.

:laughing: So true. In high ELO, itā€™s hardly even worth playing Genji UNLESS you have an Ana on the team. If it werenā€™t for nanoblade being so powerful, heā€™d be swept aside, just like Tracer. Even then, nanoblade is hardly a reason for playing Genji against GOATS, as seen by his lackluster pick rate in OWL thus far. I donā€™t think thereā€™s been a WORSE meta for Genji than there is currently, itā€™s a shame thereā€™s so many people advocating for nerfs to him.


The entire DPS roster as a whole is suffering because of GOATS.

This is not something specific to Genji.

Luckily itā€™s only on the forums [Which letā€™s be honest, is full of people platinum and below, there are very few people in masters or above that use this forum, typically the ones in higher ranks are more sensible], everywhere else Genji is deemed balanced and fine, Iā€™ve also seen streamers laugh at the thought of people thinking heā€™s a problem.

But the most important part is that Jeff himself is on our side in this debacle, he isnā€™t buying or falling for any of this placeā€™s blatant lies.

Even before goats he wasnā€™t that good. Go back to dive. His best comp, and he still wasnā€™t picked very much. He was always being traded out for sombra, widow, junkratā€¦ Whatever


Ironic that in a meta that mostly benefited Genjiā€™s primary strength of high mobility he was the most subbed out hero in the composition :sweat_smile:

Genji doesnā€™t need nerfed and neither does Brigitte

Well, kinda?

Heal stacking needs nerfed, which would indirectly nerf Brigitte, but she doesnā€™t need specific attention is what I mean.

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Balanced feels good man.


Agreed, Brigitte was a monster when she was released.

Now sheā€™s fine, sheā€™s not the devilā€™s spawn that she used to be.

I have to say this is true not only for dps flankers, but also true for us Tank players. The ability to have counterplay with her shield bash feels REALLY good and rewarding.

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