"improving visceral feedback" for tanks and support: here are some ideas

Voicelines after blocking curtain attacks, like biotic grenade, would be cool

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More sprays like cute sprays that you get from achievements. Example maybe a spray that says “support main” if you heal like 25k in a match or like over 100k

There is that sound, when you heal teammate to full.

Personally my favorite so far was sound from TF2, when bullets hit ubercharged teammate, that clunking sound of negating all that damage. On top of visual sparks, like your teammate is covered in full metal gear.

As for Overwatch sounds, Zarya has good feedback for her bubbles, as you can literally hear, how your weapon charges up and becomes stronger. Tone of the sound also changes, so you don’t even have to look at numbers.

Makes me chuckle when I’ve only used a Benefic II but that loud «CHING!» plays and tries to make me seem badass :sunglasses:

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I whould love to see, that team mates automatically say “thanks” or “you saved my life” when supporter heal them or tanks shield them.

(as a support player, I am addicted to people using “thanks”)

I’ve been thinking about getting ultimate charge for blocked damage. Supports at least get their for healing. In case of tanks they’re not getting a charge form things they should do by concept. It feels ridiculous.

i honestly think they need a new announcer. maybe even use comp points for it since most people have gold guns. a reaper hype announcer would be cool. basically make one for each hero i guess. easy way to get content out.

maybe for shield tanks, a parry sound effect. like perfect shield noise or something and the shield will take no damage for that bullet/damage could be really skillful if in the future u put a hero with a high damage ult/rocket and u just parry that thing. like a high noon, that would feel so hype to try and parry it like a dummy.

Save 5 people from a zarya/hanzo ult as Zenyatta, save multiple people from dying to a mccree/Junk ult as Baptiste, block shatters as Rein, eat ults as Dva.

Play of the game

Enemy team’s Moira kills 1 person and gets like 2 half-kills just holding RMB in people’s general direction.


Whatever happened to those dual POTGs they were talking about implementing? Where the Ana that nanoboosted the Genji would also get credit. I wanna actually USE my support heroic intros.


I think his point was this: all the feedback in the game was traditional FPS - kill cams, kill feed, even POTG is usually going to go DPS or Moira. The elim card is the coveted one, not “Damage Blocking”. Let’s not even touch on medals…

They were supposed to revamp POTG to make it less DPS-dependent, but never did. A real scoreboard would help a lot. OTOH, the current system sets up a competition sometimes that isn’t good, I can’t count the times the team has two utility DPS, say Mei/Sombra, not a bad pairing then one of the tanks “complains” about having gold damage or elims… when people pine for it for tanks and supports being capable. You can’t have it both ways… but I guess my point there is tanks can do a lot of damage doing well, and pull these cards and elims so to your point, if you are outplaying your team in general, you will get this feedback … but at your tier probably not consistently so people feel unexcited…

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There’s so much chance there. I mean we get the ding ding ding when you hit people, and you also get a lot of feedback of how you contributed.

And now think of how a Medic in TF2 feels when his invulnerable Heavy mows down the enemy team. It genuinely feels a bit like the end of the Meet The Medic video they posted years ago does. And Overwatch could use something like that, making the healer feel powerful for the ally that just smashed the enemy team instead of stressed and sunk in utter chaos trying to keep the whole team alive.

Likewise, highlighting the “that headshot would have killed you ,it was dead on, only it hit that Sigma’s shield”-moment would make the tank feel powerful.


That’s fake news, there is a legit loud af sound effect when you eat an ultimate with D.va . Look it’s from 2017 even.

I rly don’t know what you guys are talking about: All these things apply o supports and Tanks. I hear loud and clear when my Zarya bubble eats damage. I feel it when firestrike hits someone, Winston zap and jump damage, most people pick Rein axe skin just for the sound effect of hitting someone with an axe. On the other hand when I boost with Mercy I know if the dps is doing damage or not. IF i throw a nade across the map and it hits someone it has a sound effect and I feel that too, same with sleep…

The thing that Jeff is talking about and the thing you are talking about is apples and oranges.

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What voiceline does dva have when she eats an ult etc? Can’t say i have noticed.

Good post op by the way.

how about the satisfying sound of having a leaver 3 games in a row :open_mouth:

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I know one way they could do that for Zarya. When an enemy gets killed. The last hit goes threw them (all beams should do this as a visual). Than the body flies away. I missed that from older versions of rag-doll. It’s more harder to make people fly, that’s not an explosion. It would help if the game was rated M. Than they could have chard bodies, or parts.

Fair enough I genuinely didn’t notice but it’s still extremely minor for what is a gamechanging move

She has different ones depending on the ult she eats like “looks like this pigs a little undercooked” for Roadhog or “good thing I brought an umbrella” for Pharah


What I want to know is why they lost the ult absorbed ding she did. It was loud. But all they had to do was lower it.

I play D.va a lot, and the sound effect pitch for her eating ult is loud and satisfying - the problem might be that it’s not as loud for the teammates as it is for D.va, so your team might not know you’ve eaten the ult unless they see it on kill feed.
But D.vas hear it - that i can confirm, and is one of the if not the most gratifying sound effects in game imho.

because there is usually only one main tank so there would be no competition, if I got gold damaged block as rein, I would not care at all

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It changes depending on ult. (And how buggy the proc is)

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We just left a double shield meta.

Brig can block damage as well.

So can Symmetra.
And Mei.