"improving visceral feedback" for tanks and support: here are some ideas

What do you expect for a game that has positioning as a crucial aspect, but no minimap for allies?

For f’s sake, CS 1.6 has a minimap. How hard could that be.

I mean, some of them have mechanical skill. Wrecking ball, Zarya, Sigma, maybe Roadhog a bit. But we could use more!

Strange how especially tanks should not get enough feedback.

With most tanks having some sort of AOE damage, and the game giving everyone the same feedback to kills, that does at least 1 damage to a target, tanks actually get the most feedback.

The main problem is, and this is the case with all roles, you do not get any feedback in this game when doing something good, besides getting kills.

I’m cool with whatever, so long as it’s all optional. Overwatch already has a ton of visual and audio spam, and audio especially is crazy important. I don’t even like turret kills and Ults eaten in the kill feed.

While polishing the UI is nice, this is not a fix to anything.

Beyond the early experience, any regular player learns to filter out all this stuff. Shooters have had hype around big multi-kills for games that had no more feedback than a tiny text-based kill-feed.

Most players have more fun playing DPS, and it has nothing to do with “visceral feedback”. It’s a shooter and many players simply want to shoot enemies as a major part of their game.

definitely supports, not even game changing ultimate feel like it truly is like a feedback from DPS, such as Sound Barrier or Transcendence.

Visceral feedback is fine, but I’m just hoping it isn’t going to become audio spam. I would be very annoyed if athena announced every single time how I’m juggling 3 different critical hp targets out of critical hp as “LIVESAVER! DOUBLE LIFESAVER! TRIPLE LIFESAVER! QUADRUPLE LIFESAVER!” in an endless loop lol.


My tongue in cheek take on making tanks more fun via being “visceral”:

When Rein kills someone they gib all over the place to the sound of crunching bone and terrible screams…

When Zarya kills someone with her primary beam, their body lays on the ground smoldering and smoking with a small fire… grenade kills — gibs!

When Winston tasers someone we get to see their skeleton lit up like in the cartoons… and a smoldering body when they die like Zarya…

When Sigma nails someone with his balls they rag doll around a bit, gibs for the Accretion kills!

When Dva shot guns someone down or rockets them… blood spray and gibs!

When Orisa shoots them they gib as well…

I like gibs!

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i don’t get it
your reward for playing well as tank and support is winning the game

it’s not like tanks and supports struggle getting on fire with good play (besides maybe mercy) and they can show up in the killfeed quite a bit
plus assists are pretty free as a support so getting on fire as some of them, particularly zen and ana, is actually quite easy and you’re almost always guaranteed a card just for existing

i never feel like i need any more “feel good” rewards for playing tank and support, but i’d like to see what they will do

I’ve certainly felt that the feedback for non-dps actions are comparatively weak. I’m glad they’re finally looking into it. It’s potentially a powerful way to make non-dps roles more rewarding without relying on balance changes.

I would love more automatic voice lines that convey a hero’s appreciation for the support and protection of their teammates.

For example, getting a heal or peel in the nick of time could make the rescued hero say, “I thought I was a goner… Thanks, doc!”

There’s already something like this in the game, and it’s very effective: Mercy’s damage boost feels a lot better to use than it could have, because of how it prompts voice lines from her allies - they’ll cheer, they’ll thank the Mercy for the damage boost, and overall voice their recognition and appreciation for Mercy’s help. It really makes a difference in how rewarding the ability is to use.

Mercy, Brig and Moira have pretty bad auditory feedback when it comes to impact. Ana wouldn’t need changes because everything she does has impact sounds. Lucio kinda has his own so it doesn’t need changes. Zenyatta and Bapt could use a small touch.

They could make the “pained gasp” and “relieved sigh” sounds that heroes make when their health goes in and out of critical audible to their healers.

You could even throw in some lines that normally play when you pick up a health pack.

Imagine seeing a critical health teammate, rushing to their side and hearing their hero sigh in relief as you patch them up, followed by them commenting on how they feel “so much better” now.

It’s to make playing Tank/Support feel good when you’re not winning the game. You can still lose a game as DPS and it feels good, but losing a game as support/tank feels trashy.


This is a legit concern, but I feel like it could be at least partially addressed by redoing the voice acting for the announcer. Athena has that fake encouragement tone going on, like she doesn’t even get out of bed for less than a penta.

In the same vein, I’d be wary about adding too many new event types to the killfeed. It’s a really valuable information tool, so flooding it with unnecessary details dilutes its purpose.

Why would you want more garbage cluttering your screen and more sound blending in with things you actually need to hear?

When I look at that quote from Jeff and I think about Mercy’s on fire rate, I can’t help but think they aren’t even trying.


The same reason you want hit/critmarkers, multikill announcements and killstreak counters. They make the feelgood chemicals in your brain flow.

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THANK YOU! I’ve been telling my friends this all the time when they complain about Tanks and Supps feeling unrewarding, the game just doesn’t give you proper feedback! I just never got across to making a thread about it. I’m glad you said it for me :slight_smile:

Blizz can definitely do it without it making the UI cluttered or distracting. Think about when you drop off of a highground with a hero. Your camera rattles, your “clothes” begin flapping, and your UI “dips” when you impact the ground. Yet its something you never notice Overtly, you feel it.