Important Tweak to improve Commendation and overall Competitive mode

This is an important and simple tweak to get better games.
There are many things you can never completely monitor, I’m talking about the human resource part of the game.

That’s why commendation exist.

Here is the important tweak: do not let the system balance up commendation points on both teams,
Collect all the higher commended players on one side.

This makes it fair for players who played well and have good attitude.
So that when players see, actually being nice and encouraging to the team, gets you better teammates, yay! they will try to be a nicer team mate.
And commendation ACTUALLY becomes important.

When someone is on the weaker commended team, he/she will understand, oh i need to be a nicer to get into better solo queued teams, and stop being such a jerk.

I thought this was the main idea when commended came into existence, but when the systen balances both teams, it is NO difference.

2 , 2 , 2 =

make it commendation points 4, 3 ,3 ,3 , 3, 3 vs a team of 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1 for example.
Dont make it 2, 2, 3, 1, ,3, 1 vs a 2, 2, 3,1, 3,1

the one team steam rolls, WELL thats because theyre just a better team. and SR cannot judge many things, it is a TEAM game remember.

this will also teach players to stop being toxic, arrogant, so its a win win.
but if it is a stack games, likewise, favor higher commendation

and please make it count that commendation FROM a legit COMP game, not every arcade, quickplay to farm it.

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What the hell is commendation?

I dont understand this topic, am i only one?

Its me or you wrote it incredibly hard to understand what are you suggesting.

commendation = endorsement

I came to that conclusion too after all, but is really OP suggesting to create teams based on endorsement level? Thats crazy lol.

Not only its often not reflecting if player is good team player, but it would add another restriction for matchmaker so even more time to search games.

nope, its still the same SR average on both teams, how the system balances it. but not the endorsement level.

thats why so many weird games exist because of that ONEEEEE weird player ruining it for all overextending, and that ONEEEE player being toxic, just ONE. is enough

edit: again nope to your 2nd point. it wont add a restriction.
for all the players available as it normally is, just group up the higher endorsed players on one team, it rewards them for being nice players.

and it gives the toxic or less nicer ones some weird team mates.
also another pointer is, most supports get higher endorsement level.
so this adds a bonus to those want higher endorsement, play supports first.

tanks seldom get.
and i think we need to give out 5 endorsement instead of 3.
note that the remaining restriction exist, once endorsed, you can’t do it again. but we can do more for players in a team.

we dont do it for xp, we do it because we really want to.
seriously, not every game we set up the endorsement, not every game.
we dont care for the xp we get from it, but just to thank players.

i’ve gotten some nice chats, people thanking me as support on chat. i want to reward them back in endorsement.
be nicer

however, i appreciate you talking about it here, Xion

Again, it would make another variable to make searching for games longer.

I get it,you want better experience but its really not that bad as it is now. Creating teams based od endorsemet level would bring way too many complications.

Edit: You dont get it. I saw players with end level five playing in group not joining voice chat or lvl 4 throwing. End level is not representing anything.

You know what i actualy miss in current end system? To see who was active in voice chat, because i often have people talking but i cant remember who it was after match end. So i dont know who to endorse with shot caller.

i already mentioned it, i wont be explaining it again. it doesn’t make an extra variable.

so the devs need to make endrosement to count.
the devs should change, only comp endorsement will count, no more from arcade.
quickplay and arcade is a diff end points. i already wrote this above,

i know that endorsement is not a fully perfect idea, there are still toxic level 4’s, but this is a step to improvement. over teh average. so if he gets reported, he goes down on endorsement.

and yes, i agree about that, those active on voice chat.
that is Why i wrote a thread last time, EVERYBODY should be on team chat on DEFAULT.
maybe i should write one again

I must disagree, it would most likely add variable into matchmaking as we dont exactly know how matchmaker works. We know something but not everything.

Lets say you will have 6v6 with these endorsement level:

Group A - 1 2 3 3 5 5
Group B - 4 4 3 3 3 3

Matchmaker created this match based on sr/mmr and role chosen. Now, what would you do? You would like to switch two 3 3 players for two 5 5 right? But which ones? Which ones from four lvl 3 will you switch? How is it will be fair for them to go to possibly less friendy and more toxic team? I guess you can say based on amounts of endorsememt reports aquired. But wgat if one of them was with toxic 5 stack reporting him for fun lowering his endorsement. What if he diesnt play enough ? People who play a lot will always have higher end level.

And this is not only issue, the is bigger one. You saud it wont affect balanced teans in term or sr/mmr. But what if end lvl 5 guy in group A is diamond while others in his team are golds. If we goes into second team switching his place with end lvl 3 guy who is gold what then? It will greatly unbalance the teams. So if you want this implememted, it would actualy add another variable to matchmaking.

And its not so long time when they lowered diwn searching times a lot just by removing map preference from matchmaker. I would not think it would have that result at all.

And i was giving you example from solo q. It would be even more complicated with groups.

This makes it fair for players who played well and have good attitude.

An algorithm that determines the outcome of the match beforehand is not fair - obviously!

Blizzard already has problems with this witnessed by the systematic win/loosing streaks that most players experience and that fact that you can be hard stuck in in two brackets far apart although your the same person playing the same in both.