This is an important and simple tweak to get better games.
There are many things you can never completely monitor, I’m talking about the human resource part of the game.
That’s why commendation exist.
Here is the important tweak: do not let the system balance up commendation points on both teams,
Collect all the higher commended players on one side.
This makes it fair for players who played well and have good attitude.
So that when players see, actually being nice and encouraging to the team, gets you better teammates, yay! they will try to be a nicer team mate.
And commendation ACTUALLY becomes important.
When someone is on the weaker commended team, he/she will understand, oh i need to be a nicer to get into better solo queued teams, and stop being such a jerk.
I thought this was the main idea when commended came into existence, but when the systen balances both teams, it is NO difference.
2 , 2 , 2 =
make it commendation points 4, 3 ,3 ,3 , 3, 3 vs a team of 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1 for example.
Dont make it 2, 2, 3, 1, ,3, 1 vs a 2, 2, 3,1, 3,1
the one team steam rolls, WELL thats because theyre just a better team. and SR cannot judge many things, it is a TEAM game remember.
this will also teach players to stop being toxic, arrogant, so its a win win.
but if it is a stack games, likewise, favor higher commendation
and please make it count that commendation FROM a legit COMP game, not every arcade, quickplay to farm it.