Important things to know about venture

Some important things that may not have been obvious.

  • Your primary fire doesn’t appear to have damage falloff but does do more damage on direct hit.
  • Aiming at the feet does slightly less damage but is easier to aim. However, because of how the breaking points work, this only increases the shots required to kill on heroes with at least 300 hp (e.g. mei).
  • Drill dash can be used while burrowed. It does very little damage underground, but travels a similar horizontal distance and does similar knockback against enemies as it does above ground
  • Drill dash cooldown is half while used underground, so if you use it at the start of the burrow you can have it almost over by the time you leave
  • You can charge your jump while exiting burrow, this increases it’s damage, knockback, and height
  • Charging the jump allows you to stay safe underground for longer
  • you can’t be healed while burrowed (at least not by direct sources, I’m not sure about AOE based heals), but you can take health packs
  • Burrow has a long windup time where you can’t move and are completely vulnerable
  • You do move slightly faster underground, but it’s subtle (I timed it as around 33%, vs 50% on something like wraith form)
  • Burrow’s cooldown begins when you exit the ground, so if you exit earlier you’ll have it back sooner
  • Burrow reloads your weapon
  • All abilities grant 40 shield health when used. There is a hard cap of 75 shield health (325 hp)
  • Shield health gained from abilities starts to decay after around 3 seconds. It is the same for all abilities including using the dash while underground
  • The decay timer on shield health resets when you use any ability and is paused while underground (so if you drill before burrowing, then burrow 2-3 seconds later, you keep all the health from that.)
  • You can use burrow in the air and you will drill straight to the ground. You can walk off an edge during burrow and will continue to drill straight to the ground and stay in burrow, you can not use dash during this period.
  • Even a tiny ledge can be a big enemy to burrow since you can’t jump over them and just get stuck
  • Your ult has 4 charges and you have full movement and use of your abilities during it
  • Your ult doesn’t stun, but it does upwards knockback, so it’s more of a jostle
  • You ult has a conic pattern. It’s damage (~125 hp) and knockback are equal at all ranges
  • Your ult can hit targets who are not on the ground, not sure on the exact height but it’s higher than it looks
  • Your quick melee does multiple ticks of damage
  • Icewall blocks your burrow
  • EMP makes you exit burrow
  • Drill dash does not act as a Charge ability (e.g. rein pin, rocket punch, shield bash) so you won’t knock those heroes down

AOE healing doesn’t seem to work while burrowed either. Moira’s doesn’t anyway, her orb goes straight past you.

Also something else to note is that Burrowing puts you in 3rd person so you can check around corners before fully commiting.


added a few more to the list that I saw on the forums

Honestly the burrow doesn’t feel fast enough imo. They could increase it to 50% or 60% and it would be fine. Of course the devs could nerf other parts of Venture’s kit if they turn out to be too survivable or something idk

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I hope either one of these gets changed. I suppose it has the perk of doing damage and stuff on re-emergence but… I’d rather be healed. :sob:

Specifically 130. It 2-shots most heroes =(

Thank you for this. Continue my wraith now

TBH they doesn’t need an AOE on their Primary fire makes them too consistent and reliable for a hero who should be easily punished when they can’t use their melee based abilities and the fact that their Ult is just a better Rein Ult is ridiculous and kinda uninspired though it does fit Ventures character identity (i.e. BUFF Rein). Add in fact that they can peek around corners while in Burrow like how ball can and they gain shield on ability use. This hero just has too many positives and not enough negatives to them.

Lucio and Bap can heal you underground,
Baps is due to his regen burst and lucio I’d say the same concept.