*Important* OW2: About Phone Numbers

htt ps: // media. discordapp. net/attachments/953305685339291658/1024490088056500284/unknown.png

You won’t say you were wrong, so I’ll say it for you. Seriously, what reason would I have to lie about coming to the forums? lol

“Don’t believe that… at all… this is from someone who’s dealt with Blizz support on multiple occassions. Especially when it came to the forums. “Post for visibility???”. Lmaoo ok.”


Oh my sweet summer child, F2P means they can monetize for every little thing that was already free in OW1, games arent f2p because they want to help poor gamers who cant afford a $60 game, they are here to incentivize adiction to ghe game and milk its players as much as they can before moving on

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No no, fair enough. I was wrong. So the support team were just taking the piss. But I wasn’t wrong about my experience with them. They tend to be unhelpful at best…

I think you misread my tone. No one is wallowing in self misery. Are you used to people sounding a certain way to you? Anyhow, I stated the issue and provided links and support links for people. You have way too much emotion going on for me to continue this. I hope you can find some peace. Good luck and GG.


If you’re looking for suggestions for similar phone services, my Straight Talk number worked when I added it yesterday. I don’t have a contract, I just pay month-to-month.

I got it when I was really, really broke, because I couldn’t afford a “real” phone and didn’t think I could commit to a long-term contract anyway. I’m doing much better now, but I’ve kept it anyway because it’s cheap and it gets the job done.

I hope people having issues with this don’t just give up. I hate the idea of someone waiting all this time for OW2 just to be turned away at the door. Hopefully everyone can find a cheap, reasonable solution.


I think what OP means is that they can just jump into the game and play if they so desired. Everything else is just choice if you want to pay.


I hope you have a better experience with support. I feel ya there.


I appreciate this. thank you. it’s so weird that is allowed yet a huge company like cricket or Metro isn’t? Hmm, i never even heard of straight talk. Is this just a random app? Is it suspicious?

I really appreciate your help and honestly thank you. really. thank you and everyone trying to help others as well by giving info and giving their best effort. It means a lot and I love this part of the OW community honestly <3 yes, i don’t want to give up. Paying for anything else is a last resort since I need every penny and dont want to spend more than i should but i will try talking with customer service and support tomorrow since i am off.


Well, I’m not a bad actor, but I’m clearly out lol. They gave me the big ole F you. Good luck in your games and I wish you many wins.


While that has some truth to it, there are players that don’t touch comp and feel their experience would be messed up from players that would grief in QP. You can tell them it’s not as big of a deal as comp, but then you’ll sound sort of like the people telling you that SMS is great for the game. And ppl need to get jobs or whatever stupid things they say.

Personally I’m not in favor of this, but I’ve already been using SMS for years now on my account. I don’t care enough to be bothered by it.

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Kiriko free instant unlock for overwatch 1 owners. Around the 20 second mark.

Never underestimate humanity or the lengths we go to do terrible things. Sure this might borderline masochistic to some, but to others its just another weekend.

Hell I’ve seen Plat players drop to bronze in a single season. You can’t fall that far unless you do it intentionally.

The SMS part here though is hurting legitimate players as well as those bad actors. I’d rather not want those who want to play legitimately punished but here we are…

Not always. Sometimes viewers will donate their account so the streamer can climb that account.


Just making the image visable for others.


Also lets not forget there are literal “services” and “marketplaces” where people can do all of that for you, you just show up and buy the deranked account, now theu will just pay extra for all the inconveniences


Nah, it’s legitimate. I think it’s affiliated with Wal-Mart in some way? I’m not sure. I’ve used it since 2016.

I’m sure it would still be a hassle to switch, as you would probably expect. Just an option on the table.


im very appreciative of this option so thank you my friend.


Honestly Terx, your point is actually valid now that I think about it. I just thought it was a bummer cuz the secret gift is so lame… Praying that there’s more to it :skull:

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Agreed. People will pay to circumvent the inconvenience.

It’s the ouroboros of problem and solution eating its tail.

Believe me I’m praying too but what else can it be? a gun charm you can put on Moira’s nails? :joy:

Either Kiriko was gonna be the free gift all along or they had to pivot direction once the backlash of her being tier 55 of 80 came out.

because it literally isn’t as big of a deal, there is no SR or rank for quick play. that alone makes a competitive loss worse than one in qp. I’m saying this as someone who plays mostly quickplay. “I don’t care enough to be bothered by it.” Because it doesn’t affect you. That’s why you don’t care.


No way am I giving blizzard my phone number to play a game.

Ill just switch to creating a burner acct using a free sim card.

Time is a much more important resource than SR or rank; and time is what people waste when they roll up in QP games with the intention of doing anything other than playing the game.

time is more important, but losing to grief in comp takes more time than in qp, AND you lose sr. I’m actually surprised by how little griefers I encounter in my qp sessions though, you’d think that would be the place to fool around in.

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