*Important* OW2: About Phone Numbers

sadly support can only do so much. i tried myself and was dissatisfied with my answers because it did nothing to help my situation.

i find it funny that a lot of people say we are the “minority” yet have no proof on it despite facts saying otherwise.


I am hoping they at least pass the feedback along to devs then.

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The solution


I wasn’t expecting that ending :joy:

I need anyone who may have similar issues to please refer back to this particular comment.

Ahh, I don’t think I noticed this person’s comment in the section. I’ll tell you what I saw.

I have seen a person already contact support with a ticket, along with many others, and all have said the same thing, that they can only pass on the information as there is nothing they can do. I went to get a ticket but the bar was endlessly loading so I gave in and found out they cannot help with pre paids and VOIP numbers. Also, they said to post on the forums so that devs can see this. That is what forums are meant for, causing awarness on concerns most use it for trolling though sadly.

I’ll find the pics.

Okay, so the pic for someone contacting support I can’t find as it is waaay deep somewhere on a thread and I can’t find the posts from this MVP Nicole in tech support who posted on one of the threads who wrote to post threads for awarness too. She also posted about not being able to do anything about pre paid phones at this time iirc.

Nevermind, found some


It was this person TinyDancer.



Thank you so much!!! I remembered the hammond icon but forgot the name! Much appreciated :heart:


Imagine introducing F2P and making number of potencial players less than it was before LOL



Im not going to play due to phone number.

They sell you a $40 game pack— then ya buy some lootboxes to get some skins before the new game.

Now all of sudden the purchase isnt good enough and we need to sacrafice personal data?

As far as im concerned— They took my money under a false pretense.

You cant sell something-- and then months later announce its not useable unless something more is given. Its theft- plain and simple.

Its wasnt disclosed to anyone who bought the watchpoint pack and it wasnt required for beta test.

Its absolute trash.

And they say its to control toxic players and cheaters?

  1. Cheaters will get a fake number. It controls nothing as far as that goes.
  2. How does it stop a toxic player??? Are they calling their moms?!?!?

This is total garbage to collect and sell personal data and profit off its players on the back end under the guise of customer satisfaction.

Im looking into small claims court to get my money back. Maybe theres even a class action if enough people feel the same and spent money on watchpoint pack or lootboxes since then.


This is not just a Watchpoint pack issue.
It was announced years ago that OW1 skins will be carried over to OW2.
Some users like myself had purchased skins for OW2.


Agreed and doing this all especially when it was a week before launch? I personally can’t grasp this. I think someone pointed on for watchpack owners you need a number but it was in small words AND they didn’t specify which type of number. They can’t just assume we know what they mean? Regardless they should be issuing refunds because this is not a small thing.

I wish you luck into doing so as this is really not right on their end.


Even when they first announced the Pack and preorder they said nothing about requiring postpaid phones to do. I am one who paid for it and and barred access because I have Metro by TMobile. Yet what I dont get is that some prepaid providers are getting access while others aren’t?


I have Metro myself and i am locked out. i think i read many times that those who did manage to input pre paid and VOIP numbers had done so many, many years ago and that those trying now just simply cant. i wonder if on day of launch those people will be booted for having pre paids because they will know or do a check? if that happens all chaos will break loose since many already signed in have pre paids.


I find this very alarming! This should not be the case at all. First off you guys mention nothing in the beginning about prepaid phones when you first release the watchpoint pack. If that was the case you would had made it necessary to add a postpaid number when you offered the pack like you are now. All you said was buying the watchpoint pack will give you in game content for OW1 and OW2 as well as give you instant access to the second beta.

Second, this is an extreme alienation of your playerbase. What is the point of excluding Prepaid phones users? A lot of us acquire prepaid phone because its more fiscal responsible or it fits our preference of cell service. Some have various reason why they can’t get a cell phone service. (i.e. youngers kids, neurodivergent individuals, etc.) When did having a prepaid phone become synonomous to being a cheater or smurf? Why does it matter if I can a contract phone. This alienates a good part of players. Even more so your ‘prepaid’ phone doesnt restrict all prepaid carriers. Even some phone that are post paid you are considering prepaid carriers. This is extremely ridiculous.

You have numerous of your competitors, Valve, Hi-Rez, Riot, EA, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, who use SMS protect, but don’t forgo individuals with prepaid phones. I like many others with this issues are veteran players, invested money into the game, pre-ordered the watch point back for beta access, and want to play the game.

There has to be a better decision or method than alienating millions of players because the don’t want/can’t have a contract phone.


Can we be honest here for a moment…Cause the SMS really help COD servers to prevent smurfing, cheating, and toxicity. HONEST QUESTION! Because I see this same issue arising on the COD side as well.


I didn’t know this! i think the phone number is to prevent smurfs but then again, i don’t know if valve, hi rz, or riot have these issues like overwatch and still use SMS without numbers. If so, there is NO need for phone numbers. at all.

Honestly, I’m getting more and more mad the more I find things out about this. I nver EVER come on the forums, hence my small post number, but I had to when this happened because this is just ridiculous. there are so many players out there who would have been more than happy to give money for BP etc. but they were excluded because “lOl wRonG pHonE pLan! HeR dEr” It sounds more and more dumb the more I think about it actually…

Also, I heard from some people that it doesn’t work at all for COD and some claim it does. I am seeing smurfs saying they are finding ways around it now by using certain methods but there is no valid proof on it yet as far as I know?

I don’t think phones should be used at ALL but they SHOULD have at least only tried giving it to Comp first because that is where all of the people mostly complain about them. If they started with comp, then it would have been optional to input a number so smurfs and cheaters won’t join comp games and then everyone will still be allowed to play the game. It would be fair to both sides and the easiest solution i think so far for this situation.


A few points that have been repeated again and again.

  1. Certain providers are not compatible with battlenet. Cricket and MetroPCS both have options for contract prepaid plans and can receive SMS but it just doesn’t work with battlenet.

  2. Honestly the concept of people saving for a big purchase like a computer or game system seems so foreign to people. Computers and consoles are a one time purchase-phones are a monthly payment.

And yes there are subscriptions for consoles -but those can be invested overtime through either paying monthly/3months/6months/yearly.

As for internet, that’s a utility and it varies from player to player if they need to pay (as if they’re kids and don’t pay bills) or have it already budgeted as a utility.

  1. Phones aren’t as necessary nowadays with things like phone/dial apps being available and public WiFi being more and more accessible.

You say they’re claimed “victim” when there are legit reasons for not having or just not needing a phone.

Technology is evolving my guy. Things like beepers are long gone. Landlines are slowly going away and becoming less and less used. Heck internet through phone lines is a thing of the past.


I kind of wonder how this’ll effect certain groups of streamers. One’s that are more hesitant to put any type of info on the internet because they might be a demographic that is more likely to be harassed, or are required to be secretive with their identities, such as certain groups of vtubers.

Remember the time when people complained because they claimed they didn’t have a PC to to unlock the D.Va officer skin and Blizz caved in and then said okay everyone will get it as we will add it to lootboxes later? If the majority of players on here are PC users, how is that possible then that nobody had a PC to get her? That would mean the “minority” was complaining accoridng to that logic and in turn they still gave in, because it was the right thing to do overall, despite the statistics. Now, they are calling us the “minority” so how does that add up saying “we don’t matter”?

That’s what I don’t get. So they are just being hypocrites technically because everyone matters. If Blizz was allowing that, they should bypass this or find a way everyone can play.