Immortality Field was originally a Spear

But but… But lamp?

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It literally even says “lamp”

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Didn’t watch the video. :sweat_smile:
Only saw spear in the title

Let’s just say “It sure looks a lot like a transformed version of Mercy’s Caduceus Staff”

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That’s hard to announce mid fight.
Shot the transformed version of Mercy’s Caduceus Staff


Well, imagine the yellow glow there did healing, instead of immortality…

And you had a vertical deployable version of Mercy’s staff…
Say in a throwable fashion…

Just sayin… :stuck_out_tongue:

🍢 [Mercy] Spear of the Valkyrie

Especially considering, in the interview, it had spear-like physics. (Or similar to Hanzo Arrows)


You know in Destiny, I had once wished for a spear you could throw at a wall and then jump on to.

Maybe an idea for a future hero

Ugh. Invun field is the biggest load of garbage that’s been out into this game.

Things that only exist to slow the game down are nothing but anti-fun. And it’s not even his ult.

I gotta wonder how long it took them to realize, “Maybe Baptiste shouldn’t be the first and only hero to be throwing a spear.” That’s probably the biggest reason it changed to a drone, though also throwing it like a disc and having it bounce probably made it more versatile and user friendly as well.

Shoot the obvious drone and complain less on the forums

So shoot the lamp and ignore the 6 people shooting at me? Yeah your flawed logic doesn’t do a lot to convince me it’s a good idea.

:person_fencing: Ayy but the devs came to their senses and gave us the best thing in the game. Lamp :couch_and_lamp:

So we can now cross traffic unopposed and cheat death itself.

I always wanted that idea for Hanzo instead of the storm arrows we ended up getting. A teleport arrow he can jump to.

I actually thought that would be a good ability for Hanzo to get when they were getting rid of scatter.

Instead we got storm arrow…

Yay devs.

Let me just stab this through you. You wont die but it will hurt to the point where you wish you did

You know in Destiny, I had once wished for a spear you could throw at a wall and then jump on to.

Maybe an idea for a future hero

More videos like this, please!

You’ve seen Brigitte and Doomfist, right?

i have seen them but theyre fine

Well now I’ve got a newfound appreciation for Baptiste, especially his gun.

Btw: Lamp > frisbee.

It was once said that Reinhardt’s hammer used to be a nuclear toaster.