Imagine loose 37 times because of dps in this reason

every 1 victory, 7 loose. Amazing.
i was plat 5 3 days ago and i only lost. and lost and lost and lost and lost. Now i am gold 5. why? because dps can’t switch. use enemy counters and stuff. I use support and for how much i try to heal them all, if they dont kill nobody i cant heal them forever. Really, is super disapoiting. im extreme disapoited for this team balance Blizzard give us over people cleary Bronze 3 in Gold/Plat matches.


im disapoited in your grammar gawdam

well English might be their 2nd language…

In any event can you post some matches…I’d like to see these games where dps aren’t doing anything.

Yeah it is really dum the match making. I mean. I remember i had this one match where i was doing good and over sudden my damage that i am doing to ppl as orisa or soilder got nerf. Like to kill pll in 5-8 seconds then it taking a whole clip just fo finish off 1 person or maybe a clip in a half. I really thing blizzard should stop doing that and also give mei her frieze stun back on her primary fire cause it hard to kill these ppl like orisa or hog or anyone

DPS decides 90% of my games.
Whoever has the better dps wins…and its usually a steamroll where all the good dps are on one team.

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Sometimes it feels like bliz tries to show people that this is just a pixels on a screen and ratings means nothing , but there’s a shop…

I agree with you 110% Every time I lose a match it HAS to be someone else’s fault. And my teams only ever win because of me. Can’t explain how dissapoitable I am right now…

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The dissapoitment is papable

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