I'm tired of this stupid discord

I really cannot imagine a world where that might be a good idea lol.
No context would be acceptable because even currently he is just OP.
Even if one upcoming hero 6 months down the line is designed specifically to hard counter Genji in every shape and form, even thinking about a buff is just uncalled for to say the least. Because why buff something that is already OP, against something is specifically designed to counter him. It wouldnt make a difference against the counter and just make things worse for everyone else.

Context matters but not that much.
There are ideas that needs to be shot down immediately.

Maybe they don’t have to post on the forums specifically. But Overwatch does have an official website. And posting stuff there would be pretty amazing as well.

They could take a note from the Valorant devs and release Q&A articles every few weeks. (i.e. like this one: Ask VALORANT #3). I’m pretty certain if Blizzard did this,people would complain way less about the devs not communicating with us.

Heck,they could just post on Twitter with a list of upcoming changes (example: https://twitter.com/MarkYetter/status/1283123303834505216) and I’m sure people would be happier.

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Its such a shame that almost every game started to adapt to make Devstreams and communicate with their playerbase and Blizzard still stays with this elitism.


I think it’s bad, but not for the reasons you think it is.

It’s very clear by now the pro/influencer position is pretty locked into focusing their ire on Supports and an attitude of changing Supports will magically fix everything.

That’s not a healthy community for the developers to be a part of for very obvious reasons. It blinkers them, it hurts their impartiality and it stops them looking at the game holistically.

I’m not really bothered to whom or where announcements are made, as we’ll hear about them regardless. What concerns me is how far down the rabbit hole they go with those in their discussion.

Thats my problem as well. If supports will get finally “balanced” or underpowered they will just jump to another role to critique them. They never try to speak for the entire games balance.

Kinda related… I was thinking the other day how they used to post heaps of information like what they were thinking, or upcoming balance changes or new hero/maps. They would even reply to some users posts.

I get the feel like they used to be excited to share that sort of stuff with us… and now it seems they just throw in a new character and don’t care.

How they would randomly bring out a hero cinematic etc. and now it’s just nothing.

I mean the unofficial platform got the announcement of an announcement whereas the actual announcement happened here.

I understand why they talk to more people on reddit. It is a much better moderated forum (even naturally) to ascertain what people care about and engage with the communities issues.

I’m a hard-stuck diamond player but at least i’m happy that the devs listen to the GM/top500/ pro players about the balance changes and not to us.

There is a reason why we cannot climb and they can. Ofc they are not always right about everything that’s why i hope that there are enough support and tank players on that discord server too so it won’t just be the DPS mains crying about the other 2 roles.