Im tired of Healers Playing Victim

I don’t think you quite understand your role vs their role.

Either way… just look at it as them feeding you ult charge.

They also feed enemy ult charge, which is worse.

I view it as basic “resource management” case: you are given limited(by time and amount) healing, and should use it in most efficient manner. Which means most proficient teammates - they require low amounts of healing, and patching them up can be just what you need to get through.

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lets break this down…lets say you are playing bap, who does more dmg than soldier in the hands of a good player. then lets say that instead of using their abilities to save their team its used selfishly to confirm a single kill. while the bap is playing selfish and focusing on his 1v1, the rest of the team gets deleted simply because only HALF of the teams support line is helping in the sustain during the team fight, reducing the value of team synergy and starting the classic stagger push.

congrats, you just lost first point because of your dps bap.

Congrats, instead of 0 kills you got 1.

Time and time again we are being “balanced” in a way, that sustain is not an option to begin with - you can buy 1-2 seconds for your teammates, but that’s all.

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still lost the point, personal stats are negligible in a team game based around synergy and cohesion.

ggez go next

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Game never was based around it. So you go next.

If my teammates are going to die one way or another, may as well concentrate on eliminating enemies - killing even one enemy is way more useful, than buying second or two of life for your teammates.

If you want healers to do, well, healing, it should be more rewarding, than simply pulling out gun and killing whatever enemy is trying to get your teammate.

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team based shooter not based around team work…LOL

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It was supposed to be based around it. Reality, as usual, is different.


Exactly what I aim to do through min/maxing when possible

Kill what u can’t out heal.


im winning more games as dps bapt than anything else right now, dont think ill stop now. Not that i dont also heal, just more like an off healer type

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As a support main, sometimes you just miss someone. Focus is elsewhere on the map, etc. There aren’t exactly raid frames you can see.

If it takes a while to get healed, get the closest medikit. Playing support is very hectic, more than you’d imagine, as you don’t only have to focus on 6 enemy players, but 5 friendly ones at the same time.

I enjoy when people use the healing voiceline though, makes me aware of them. Spamming it 500 times though is annoying, unless they’re silenced, then it’s just necessary.

Saying that, I play Zen or Moira, so when i do focus full time on healing, i’m putting a lot of faith in my tanks and DPS to actually score kills. Sometimes when they’re not, I have to… Which is their fault in the first place.

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you are talking about a scenario in your head, nothing i mentioned.


I think its hilarious when my supports refuse to heal me if I spam. Like we all hold this L together bud, so I’ll just take another sip and laugh at how sensitive they get

I like playing Support too even though I’m terrible and the thing that really annoys me is the Tanks or DPS who say I have ‘bad heals’ while they do crazy things like charge in to 1 v 6 as a Rein. You’re dying too fast for me to help you! If you take a risk and move out of healing range and it doesn’t pan out, don’t blame the healers.

Also for some reason people don’t seem to realise that for many Support characters healing doesn’t go through enemy barriers so even if you are only 3 metres away, I can’t heal you through it.

I spam I need healing when I’m dead if nobody is in chat because clearly it’s the only way to communicate

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Me: trying to heal my teammate
Teammate: yeets themselves into enemy fire
Me: :woman_facepalming:

We won’t be trying to balance damage and healing, if healing doesn’t do anything useful. If you want players to heal, healing has to achieve results - teammates not dying, as long as you heal them, for instance, or dying only in situations, that are supposed to be “100% death scenario”.

Instead of “you heal teammate in 1v1, they die anyway” situation, that makes you wonder, why do you even have healing abilities. Or other such defensive utilities, for that matter.

Which is pretty much everything in this game. Very few heroes have guns so weak, that outhealing them is an option.


I would really like to see one of ur vod, if u could send a code it would be great

Also if u can add ur sr bracket to the code it would be nice, I’ll not see a master gameplay as a Plat or plat as master :thinking:

I’ve won a game hard pocketing a really good zen. To many people in this game think the way to go is heavy heals its not…watch some pro play and see ana flank and kill 2 people.

I’ve seen mercy zen comps where mercy literally ignores the entire tank line up unless there’s just nothing to damage boost.

I’ve developed this play style and can proudly say I’ve won a many games with 4k heals with a zen on my team. And I’ve never lost a game where I’ve had bronze heals.

The more healing I have on mercy, it seems, the more I lose.

Had a game not to long ago where my zar complained I didn’t heal her enough, but enemy team didn’t cap first point.


ay lets go i found someone that understands mercy and dosent healbot