🙋‍♀️ I'm the only loser that cares about this

But I’m going to make a thread anyway :upside_down_face:

About a year ago, in the Year of the Dog promotional video, they showed a new victory pose for Pharah, and ever since I’ve being waiting for it to be put in the game.

Another victory pose that i saw and thought it would be a cool addition, is the one they used in the promotional pictures for her action figure:

The last time I made this topic, someone also pointed out that Mercy also doesn’t have her classic Rez pose as one of her victory poses. Since it’s the she has on her statue I don’t see why not add it to the game.

With the new event comming in I know it’s late to be asking for this kind of stuff. But who knows? Maybe for the next one :woman_shrugging:

Do you guys have any suggestions of victory poses you would like to be put in the game?


Oh that’s dope, you’ve done a great service by bringing this to light.

I need that.

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Ah, Year of the Dog, so many memories.
Btw, what’s with Junkrat getting shot by Widowmakers in promotions?

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Thank you for the comment! I’m glad that you liked my post :blue_heart:

I guess he is just an easy target for Widow :woman_shrugging:
They also seem to like to do that with Pharah too. Every new character reveal the demo has her being shot down.


Im happy that im not the only one who remembers that Pharah pose! im waiting for that too!

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There were some poses used during the initial reveal of all the League team skins that I assumed would be patched in as victory poses, but they were never seen again :man_shrugging:

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I got you! :rocket:

Do you have the links to that? I can add it to my post.

I remembered a victory pose I would like to see in the game. They could make D.va do the Heero Yuy pose beside her meka: