I'm sorry Rein mains, I get it now


Drinking your own lemonade huh?

“its game made for all players no matter of skill”
Enjoy it!

So now game balance gets completely thrown out the window in QP? I mean, I know it’s just QP but c’mon.

Look, the point of the post was just note how silly it felt to be playing Rein in that situation and that I can sympathize with the Rein mains who no longer enjoy playing their favorite Hero due to the Stun/CC meta.


That’s cool… guess I’ll see you later. :kissing_heart:

don’t forget Moira’s damage orb completely ignores his shield and her Ult just cuts through him like a hot knife through butter.


And I feel silly playing Hanzo against a Sym/Brig/Rein/Orisa comp. Barriers upon barriers upon barriers.

But that’s what happens when you decide to run a character in QP, with no plans of swapping and no hope of team coordination.

You’re a mad man. But that’s the best kind.

It is funny that these genius ideas like “adapt or die” always comes from people who plays brain-dead heroes.

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More like:
“Play on OWL level, or just pick one of our noob heroes if you want results.”

That must be why he’s the most used hero across all ranks with a winrate above 50%. Because he’s useless.

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Holy crap. You would think I insulted people’s mother. Again, for the 3rd time, just pointed out the crappy time I had playing Rein against a CC/Stun heavy comp.

Also, Rein’s value has jumped due to being paired with Brigiette due to the Shield Bash/Earthshatter combo.

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You clearly had an agenda to push the idea that this meta is terrible for tanks and Brigitte makes ow cancer and blah blah blah based on your anecdotal evidence. Just nipping it in the bud.

Dude, you are not nipping anything “in the bud” because you are way over reading. I’m sorry I insulted your personal relationship with Brigitte, lol.

There’s no other point to this thread then.