I'm sorry Rein mains, I get it now

I’m not going to pretend it’s a wall because it is not wall its a sheild made of light (you know, rainbows and unicorns). Mei’s ability to create a giant wall is in fact a wall.

No one is twisting what you’re saying but in fact you are trying to reinvent yourself. And why should I care what you think of the status of a so-called argument that has no basis in Overwatch history of shields and how they work.

It’s not fair at all because all you have to do as Reinhardt is swing your Hammer twice to critically injure brigitte. She has zero hope of ever defeating you by herself and a one second stun will never change that fact.

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You are not only being disingenuous, but plain dishonest at this point. I’m not going to continue discussing this with someone who can’t be truthful.

I’ll let the people who are able to read your posts be the judge of that. Of course you can always edit all your posts if you like.

And you have done nothing but try to make things personal against me so do whatever you like it won’t be any loss to me.

I’m really tired with this argument. Gameplay > Consistency, always.

Rocket punch and shield bash are two identical abilities, both of them are melee attacks with forward momentum that stuns the enemy. If rocket punch stuns through shields then shield bash HAS to do it too to be consistent with each other. They both should interact with Rein shield the same way, this is your argument and justification.

But they don’t care about consistency. Despite being identical abilities and interacting the same way with Rein’s shield they interact completely different with Rein’s charge, Doomfist falls down with Rein but Brigitte is safe and sound. They obviously made the concious decision to change that because gameplay beats consistency.

So it’s not that is that way because melee so it goes through shields, it’s because they decided it should go through shields. Is that decission that I despise as it provides no counterplay (unlike every other stun in the game). They can change it so it gets blocked by barriers, or only by Rein’s shield, and they should. But hey that’s my opinion.

I hope I showed why “Consistency” and “Muh melee attacks” are not valid arguments.

Don’t play Rein in QP when their team has a DF and Brig unless people are willing to play Zarya and heal you. Pick a hog is still better than getting stun lock since you can’t shield anyone if you are dying all over and over again.

This is because a stun/stagger always beats a knockback. Doomfist does not actually use a stun but instead uses knockback(punch), knockup(uppercut) and stagger(slam). Reinhart also uses a knockback and they both cancel each other out when they hit. (Knockback vs. Knockback)

Brigitte uses a stun and that means it interrupts movement/actions.

Tip: if Reinhardt is charging you instead of punching him use your slam than uppercut him and finish him off with a punch.

Summary: Doomfist punch is a knockback and is lower in the cc pecking order than Brigitte’s sheild bash which is a stun. I’m sure you were just confused. (as so many other people try to use that argument)

The doomfist punch itself does not stun. The Collision with a wall is what stuns somebody. So until they hit the wall it is just a knockback.

Sorry but you have not proved anything other than you think a knockback is the same as a stun.

Playing Rein in QP fighting Doomfist and Brigitte is 100% fine. The rest of the team just need to change to compensate. Aka Rein + Zarya = CC Immune.

Rein is a great tank and not CC’d as much as you make it seem and can handle DF + Brigitte no matter who the other tank is.

Well, if you go full try hard to ask people to swap on QP, it’s a mixed bags. I don’t expect Zarya not wasting her bubble and it didn’t work every time or people who just like to dps to do it. On map like King Row or the choke at Hanamura, it is impossible to avoid being CCed, you don’t have to force someone to play something they obviously can’t in QP, if they have a Brig and a DF, picking Hog makes lot of sense since he disabled both Brig and DF and help out more than a forced Rein without support.

Of course you’re assuming that the other tank is not Zyra, Roadhog or Orisa already. If your team is choosing Winston into Brigitte + Doomfist no one could help him even if they wanted to.

You can’t have it both ways. If it was “Just. QP.” then you can’t reasonably expect the game to resemble any sort of legitimate balance or reflect how an actual match might go.

Hahahahaha What? Alright mate, if you don’t know what you’re talking about you may as well not talk at all. Doomfist Rocketpunch IS A STUN. Yeah it knockbacks people too, but it’s not all it does.

Rocketpunch can cancel abilities and ultimates, if you’re hit by it you cannot use anything for a second (it lowers Rein’s shield too!). And hey look, when you’re hit by it, it even says STUNNED on the screen too! Crazy I know!

You’re more than welcome to ask a friend to rocketpunch you so you learn for yourself the most basic Doomfist ability.

Jesus the people on this forums sometimes. Anyways every point of my original post stays true and unrefutable.

Jul 27 patch notes: (old forums)
“With his secondary attack, Rocket Punch, he charges forward and delivers a devastating blow, knocking back any opponent it connects with and dealing extra damage if the enemy is hurled into a wall.”

Ahem, now to use your own words…

Hahahahaha What? Alright mate, if you don’t know what you’re talking about you may as well not talk at all.

Then, when you got back to the objective you were Zarya + Hanzo comboed.

You just quoted the official description, which does not include all the effects. Nor have you proven it doesn’t stun.

Rocket punch an ulting McCree, if he hits the wall or not he is stunned out of his ult. Booping him with a Phara knock back doesn’t cause him to lose his ult so it can’t be the fact he is being knocked back.

If we look at Reins official description of his charge;
“Reinhardt charges forth in a straight line, grabbing hold of enemies in his path. If he collides with a wall, foes he’s carrying suffer extreme damage.”

It does not state that it stuns the person he grabs. However we all know that when you are pinned by a rein you are effectively stunned, or as it says on your screen “pinned” (i believe).

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Here, since you’re too lazy to even try it for yourself. Maybe you will learn the most basic thing about Doomfist. Take special attention to the middle of the screen, where it says S T U N N E D.

Listen I don’t want to be mean, but my god I did not expect this ammount of self-righteous ignorance about such a basic mechanic. I’m not making fun of you for being so wrong, but please the next time know what you’re talking about before confronting someone.


Drinking your own lemonade huh?

“its game made for all players no matter of skill”
Enjoy it!

So now game balance gets completely thrown out the window in QP? I mean, I know it’s just QP but c’mon.

Look, the point of the post was just note how silly it felt to be playing Rein in that situation and that I can sympathize with the Rein mains who no longer enjoy playing their favorite Hero due to the Stun/CC meta.


That’s cool… guess I’ll see you later. :kissing_heart:

don’t forget Moira’s damage orb completely ignores his shield and her Ult just cuts through him like a hot knife through butter.