I'm sorry, but you can't nerf double shields without nerfing hitscan DPS in the same patch

Oh they can. The problem is people will just find an even tankier comp. They tried it with goats, banned it from being possible, and we went right back to double sniper. Suddenly double shield came out of nowhere and we’ve been stuck in that since.

Why does everyone say hitscan are the ultimate heroes for barrier breaking?

Hiscan is all about speed (instantaneous bullets as far as the engine code is concerned) that’s great for small fast moving targets. Barriers are huge and slow.

When it comes to barrier break, Torb is way way better than McCree, the drop and flight time are irrelevant while the lack of damage falloff really helps.

It’s not about the barrier breaking. Yes there are heroes better at barrier breaking, but they are easy to counter and kill. But what’s the point of breaking the shields if you can’t kill what’s behind or just die once the shields are down ?

They aren’t the ultimate heroes at barrier breaking ( quite the opposite, hence the push for barrier nerfs) but are the ultimate heroes when it comes to actually dealing damage and killing. Snipers (and ashe) are often only countered by themselves, each other… or shields. So they nerf the shields, which make double shield even more necessary, because there is still no other options to deal with those one shots / long range heroes.

It’s similar to how non-hitscan can’t do anything to kill a pharah. Well most of the rooster can’t do anything to even hit a sniper or ashe.

Repeat tank nerfs until they realise double shield is only a symptom.