I'm so damn sick of no hero limit in mystery heroes

No, it’d never happen in No Limits either. In no limits players choose which hero they’re going to stack. And that hero is never Soldier. Many hundreds of hours spent in OG quick play (before hero limits) and in NL I can promise you that never happens there either. No, this specific composition only happens in Mystery Heroes.

People stacked S76 fairly often in original QP. I don’t think any hero ever got completely left out since in a lot of games both teams would agree on a hero for all 12 players stack. (IMO, the only time stacking was ever fun.)

No Limits just isn’t really played for fun anymore tho. Well, it really isn’t played much at all anymore.

Yup, my guess is that because they removed stacking, the devs dont balance around it anymore, which means multiples of the heroes creates insanely powerful combos.

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And while we’re at it. Lets rename the mode to “Almost Mystery Heroes Except For The Heroes Your Team Already Has.”

If Endorsements are that high on your priorities then I really don’t know what to tell you.

And if the queue time to get a full 12 players for a custom game is so high. Wouldn’t that give you a better idea of why MH is liked the way it is?

Just a thought.

Speak for yourself.

And? Reaper has a ton of counters too.

We have No Limits for people that want to play quickplay for lootboxes and have no hero limits.

Seriously. This mode is clearly triggering you far too much.

Go play another mode for crying out loud.

Or you could still go play a different mode.

Thanks. It was entertaining.

I hear the real world looks great this time of year. You should go explore it. Leave OW MH to those that actually enjoy the mode.

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Just cause its meant for it.

Just like you said yourself I would suggest this too.

Indeed it is :slight_smile:

You sound salty/mad? Do we need to bring some water to calm you down/get that saltyness away?

Well good to hear that someone who disagrees with you are gonna get rekt I guess…
Mystery heroes is good btw. :slight_smile:

Sincerely yours,

As you should be…because it doesn’t work in the game mode…I actually track my games…go through the log and see for yourself…it’s a game breaking mechanic

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I am a Comp player where the tral overwatch is and MH is garbage i am one of those people that leave often because i am farming wins for lootboxes if my team loses the first point quickly or in overtime then i am gone, if after losing first point i stay and i am the only person on the point and get flooded by enemy team because my team are spread out nowhere near the point then i am gone

I would rather scrape my entire body with 40-grit sandpaper and then lie in a puddle of rubbing alcohol while watching a marathon of Madea movies than even spectate on a single frame of Mystery Heroes, but that’s just me. If you like MH, I wish you the best and hope the devs balance the mode to your liking.

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Thank you for many of the responses! So far I haven’t seen any logical suggestions as to how or why the mode is better with stacking, other than it’s a challenge. To that, I think there are many ways you can challenge yourself in this game outside of desiring others to suffer through unfair comps because you personally enjoy that challenge. People already create those challenges for us in QP and Comp. On the emotional, “we like it this way” vs my ‘I really don’t like it this way’, both of those are weighted equally, and therefore have little meaning.

To the point on what the mode is named, from:

I’ve thought about that prior to this post, and I agree it should actually be renamed ‘Unlimited Mystery Heroes’, as that’s exactly what it is. None of the other team modes but No Limits imply stacking. The devs have commented about making adjustments to it, but I guess they won’t be bothered to do it themselves due to how popular it has been.

I don’t hate everything about the mode, some of my friends specify they really enjoy the mode because people can’t intentionally pick ****head team compositions, but I genuinely do not understand the resistance to making improvements to it.

Truer words. Would the people defending stacking here also want it back in Competitive and QP? Should it be in the team Elimination Arcade modes and 4v4?

Upon death you can randomly respawn as any hero on the roster. That’s the draw of the mode. Removing stacking altogether removes 5 heroes from the pool of heroes you could potentially respawn as. Instead of 28 heroes you could potentially respawn as, now you only have 23.

Further, if one of your teammates draws a hero they’re very good at, and aren’t dying all game - say you have a friendly Dva who might get demeched 20 times but is always able to remech before actually dying - well that means that no matter how many times you die, you’ll never have the possibility of respawning as Dva.

It might not matter so much to you. But to me and to others it would take away from what makes the mode fun to us.

There are currently 30 heroes in the game, not 28… are you still on the pre-Ashe patch!? Take me there!

Sure, but your team only deserves one D.Va, Mercy, or Orisa (even if you happen to be lucky enough to get a healer to keep this magic D.Va alive). Why do you feel like you deserve multiples of an overpowered hero, or why do you think your team should have to suffer through multiples of an underpowered (or niche) hero that people can’t usually play? And how is this fair/better for the game?

This is still the emotional “I like it this way cause it’s fun, for me” argument, not a logical one. The logical one would be that you personally don’t get to practice D.Va this game. I’m ok with that, and so are you considering you know you’re probably not going to get D.Va anyway. There’s a 97% chance you won’t. People are passionately arguing for a 3% probability (that will be a smaller % with every new hero released).

My issue here is that people are saying that 3% of fun is valued higher than others having a fairer or less-stressful game, and that’s what I have a problem with. In 60 posts, it seems there may not be any logical argument as to why a better version of this mode would be objectively worse for the Arcade/game.

I played a map on junkertown defense where it gave the other team a bastion, 3 reins, and two healers and kept giving our team no shields, mostly supports only, or any hero that could do anything. They just rode the payload all the way with 3 shields around the bastion. Probably the worst luck of any mystery heroes match ive ever seen lol.

That happens sometimes, it’s likely not fun for anyone on the losing team. I remember a game where we got 3 Orisae and a Bastion, along with a healer and another DPS on WP:Gibraltar.

By design this game is about counterplay, luck isn’t supposed to factor in that hard. It’s fine if they want to have modes like that, just don’t make it the only arcade mode available for groups of 5+ to play every single week.

Well, it is just an Arcade mode. It is not designed to be balanced, it is just random heroes. Want to not have 2 76s against you? Play other gamemodes!

Already responded to in this section of my original post:

I told to play other gamemodes 'cause it is one of two solutions to your problem. The second one is to chill down and do not care if damn Arcade gamemode, which is based on randomness, balanced or not. By your post i can say that you didn’t go the second way, so i proposed the first one.

Oh. Well in that case, thanks for reading and responding in the most intelligent way you were capable of doing.

My original point was there should be much more convenient and better in-game solutions to my problem without me having to whine about them on a forum. They either don’t exist or aren’t included in Arcade, while this problem is here every single week, so here we are.

This is the most garbage game mode. Only people without braincells can enjoy this mode. Nobody likes going vs double bastion + double mercy…what a stupid game mode

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And my point is that balance isn’t really necessary where it is not intended to be necessary. MH is a place to relax and get some fun by just playing a random hero and not caring about picks and tactics; a place to rest from tryharding. Although, as any random thing, it can be frustrating sometimes; but, if you beat the big problem, you get a big amount of endorphine. It’s like going to a public pool after a workout: you can just chill out, or even here try to beat the world record. This pool may sometimes be crowded and noisy, so you barely have any space, or there may be some other dudes chilling, some of them may want to challenge you in a 100 m race, in which you can participate or not, and if you do, they can happen to be a world champion or just a noisy kid from the neighborhood, trying to learn to swim. The only thing uniting these people is that they are random; every time you visit the pool they are different.
Although, i agree that MH shouldn’t be the only full time gamemode, No Limits shpuld also be accessable any time.

I cover most of your response in the B) section of my original post, but fair analogy that Overwatch is like a community place to go where some treat it like a toilet while the rest of us just have to deal with it.

All the modes should be available, it should just warn you if you’re going to have a long queue time, and ideally what that queue time might be or what the average is for that time of day/server.