Im so confused with the mercy changes

why didnt they just make her original group rez ult take a lot more to charge?

why did she go through all these stages of useless ults and op abilities

pls explain im legit confused at the changes. idc if she’s buff or nerf im just confused lol


Because Blizzard wanted it.

And nothing else matters (unless, of course, you believe them when they BS their way through explaining the regularly disproven “triangle” balance ideal or they try to tie in community feedback that was clearly ignored too long to be the real reason like Scatter Arrow)


They were scared of removing res totally. Thus had to nerf bit by bit instead

Because Mass Resurrect encouraged Mercy to let her teammates die.


lol you want the cancer dive meta to be back fully?

Wrong. It allowed members of your team a second chance, and punished the enemy’s poor ult economy and poor strategy.

If you’re trying to bring up a “but muh hide n rez”, only sh!t Mercy players exploiting the SR system did that. Actual Mercy players knew it was a detrimental strategy.


Uhm let’s see, first is what you could consider her class, she’s basically a Cleric, like a real white mage kind of deal, no holy magic that deals more dmg than regular black magic

They made her originally as a better than most healers in the game, which at the time was the number she got now, 50 hps, this number was the highest amount of healing a healer could dish out and her ult as you know was mass rez

Mass rez wasn’t all that bad but potentially could enable crazy powerful strategies that started creeping up slowly but surely, strategies that encouraged counter intuitive gameplay like commanding people into point suicide and whatnot

More importantly is the fact that original mass rez didn’t have invul frames and it took longer to charge than valk currently does, so the ult itself was heavily gated as it should be, the price to pay for such a powerful ult was Mercy’s viability and it was soon obvious that her place in the game was non existant, as such people claim she was balanced before when in reality all she was, was an incredibly shackled character by the sole existance of her ult

Buffs followed soon, they made her a better healer with 60 hps and added invul to rez, admitedly this version of Mercy was sort of balanced but considering she was just overwatch’s least dmg oriented character, all she was able to do was heal as much as she could and then focus all of her mental process into rezzing, rinse and repeat, her mobility was subpar and her contribution to the team was sort of low, she was sluggish and pretty dang boring if I may add

The idea behind Valk was to release Mercy from rez burden, freedom allowed developers to go ahead and increase her survivability by adding more mobility, valk increased her total healing output and gave her a cool flying moment, her utility as a scout shot through the roof with this as well but people tend to overlook the power of scouting abilities (sombra…)

but the truth is that Rez was still just too powerful, even after all of the nerfs to it, Rez has remained one of the best skills for almost a year, be it single target or AoE, Rez is just that powerful but there is only so much you can nerf a skill and the goal is never for a single skill to be balanced, the goal is always to balance a character’s value for a team and Mercy’s value has never been just rez

Valk single handedly increased her healing done by quite a bit as well as added mobility with bunny hop and math is very simple here, if you added something that increased her healing output, then nerf her healing output to what it was originally

Yes now we have characters who heal between 70 hps to 140 hps but they have to fight against reliability, something that Mercy has a ton of, lowering her healing is literally meant to lower her value because currently she just has too much

it has nothing to do with hating Mercy, it’s just the right thing to do


because blizz are not allowed to revert changes by some mysterious dark force

I totally agree, as a Mercy main from the very beginning of Overwatch, I can say with certainty that it wasn’t always hide and rez. I was always with the team, trying to make sure NO ONE ended up dead, and the rez would be used then, if absolutely necessary.
There were very few times I would be in the back as my teammates died, and even then that was mostly because I had been picked off previously and was returning from spawn, and most times that would only result in a 2-3 person rez.

Blah blah blah all filthy mercies use hide and seek and reverted my hard pressed q kill wahhh

Stop generalizing. Most skilled mercies doesn’t do hide and seek.

You should at least try to give Blizzard credit. Do you really think that their staff of developers, genuinely, not one of them ever had the idea, “What if we tried to add more ult charge to this ult?” Do you really think that, or is this an exaggeration?

Taking this a step forward, you can probably work it out yourself on why Blizzard didn’t do this very straight forward change. The problem with Resurrect as an ultimate wasn’t just its power value and a need to keep it restrained. The problems run much deeper. The ultimate encourages Mercys to play in a way that was counterproductive to how the character was designed to play; it was unfun for the enemy team to expertly get a team kill only for one mistake – not killing this one hero first – to cost them that game; and it overall limited what Mercy could do in the mid-game because her ultimate had so much potential, she had to be balanced around the fact that her ultimate could revive five players and completely undo what the enemy team just spent all their resources doing.

So just slapping more ult charge to the ultimate… was not going to fix it. Just making an ultimate harder to obtain doesn’t fix a lot, not when the ultimate itself is a balancing mess.

This was just really funny to me, it really shows that your average consumer just… has no idea how game development works. I mean to honestly think that Blizzard’s FIRST idea for adjusting Resurrect was to go for this huge rework, when a “simple answer” like your suggestion was right in front of them… You can’t make this up. Yes, Blizzard DEFINITELY considered just making the ult charge longer, I guarantee you they had that idea and I guarantee you they were smart enough to immediately acknowledge that more would have to be done, haha.

Why are people still complaining about something thats been gone from the game for a year? Why cant mercy even be poked without a forum explosion? Why cant the people who make threads about either side of this subject just go away?

Nah I played Mercy back then and every team push, if I had ult and saw we were losing the push then I’d hide and swoop in at last second to get 4 or 5 man rez and suddenly we have number advantage and we have better chance of winning, nothing detrimental about that

Soo… you’re a game developer?

I’ve worked in game development, wouldn’t call myself a game developer (I’m a writer). And also you don’t have to be a game dev to understand game development, especially something as simple as “why not just make this one value bigger.”

Blizzard is incompetent AF when it comes to balance their own damn game. There you go thats your answer.

Maybe because people invested tons of hours into a hero and now have to witness Blizzard breaking the character apart. Just a guess.

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This sentence speaks the truth.

This one also.

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What’s been fundamentally changed since the rework? Literally nothing. Just some number tweaks, no changes to her gameplay no changes in tactics. Shes been meta for God knows how long and is the most consistent healer in the game. Mercy mains literally won the OW lottery and cant stop complaining about how there hold on power might not be forever.

We prefer to get the old “troll pick above plat” mercy back. (Before the invulnerability)

WHAT?! I mean yeah her base kit is still the same more or less but… no sorry I dont want to repeat this again here if you really care read this. Its a longer thread and a bit older but still good.