Im reporting every smurf until the issue gets fixed

My own business? You decided to post on a public forum, expect criticism in what you say or don’t speak.


The thing is, smurfing IS a reportable offence. Blizzard’s definition of cheating is “engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage.” What’s fair about abusing the matchmaking system to put a GM player in a Gold game?

Smurfing is cheating, and anyone who participates deserves a report.


Imagine trying to justify smurfing. Can’t relate.

Not his fault. You’re playing against people who are much lower elo than you, so what can you expect?


well… go ahead report me…

this account is only 400sr higher than my main so its nothing much, i wouldn’t mind if it got banned…


That’s your own bad judgement.

Smurfing isn’t reportable though, and in doing that you’re doing something against TOS while they’re not.

I’ve got 4 accounts across all the SR, diamond thru GM. I play different things on them, and with different groups of friends. (Made them before role queue)…but the ‘behind the scenes’ system is very advanced at putting people in the correct SR…

Now what’s really pushing the issue is Mercy pocketting those people. That’s what makes a winnable situation into a frustrating nightmare.


I find it interesting how it’s always bronze and newbies who complain about Smurfs. They aren’t that big of an issue, you could be a smurf yourself one day if you actually get good.

The problem is you can’t properly define a smurf, I guarantee it.


Is this bait? I hope it’s bait.

And how do you tell a smurf from theoretical new player?

Most my smurfs just dive 1v6 into all their counters and feed the whole game.

The game IS fair (I mean, the balance is all over the place, but it’s fair).

Have fun with that, cause that will NEVER happen. Smurfs is the only reason the game is even selling these days.

And by your logic, I could call you a smurf.


Spoken like a true smurf.

I’m going to have to press X to doubt. Check the LFG room and you’ll find groups specifically labeled as smurfs by their hosts daily.


I do the same. Good on you. :+1: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I agree entirely with your post but I would like to consider something you may have more grounds on.

I commonly see smurfs (in every single game), sometimes they are de-ranking, sometimes they are sweating buckets of mountain dew onto their Cheeto dust keyboards to prove to themselves that they are not losers (regardless of what their mom’s say).

A big issue is that smurfs or alternative accounts in general tend to disobey all of the TOS. Verbal abuse is a big problem, although most people will just ignore it, when a player is spamming the n-word in chat to someone who is black, it can be quite hurtful so it matters. And the lack of transparency involved in the report system produces a lack of trust that Blizzard actually did something or if they just sent report feedback to pretend like your report did something.

Alternative accounts can do whatever they want and their main accounts don’t get punished. Blizzard is basically saying that it is okay to break the rules if you have money (Trump is above the law). Blizzard is capable of tracking smurfs (and don’t say that multiple gamers are sharing the same computer and one is toxic), that is rarely the case and Blizzard knows it when they are selling virtual copies of the game for 5 cents each.

Blizzard is banking off of this, this proves that they are nothing but a corrupt company, they don’t need to listen to their fans now that they aren’t a small company anymore.

Blizzard can track and ban all of a racist smurfs accounts but they don’t, why? I doubt smurfs are all using proxies to connect to the servers. I think this is done purely for financial reasons.


Imagine fairly climbing out of your rank and reaching their rank. How would you feel if your elementary school teacher was teaching quantum physics before you learn about multiplication, you could learn it in theory but it would be easier to just drop out of school (quit overwatch).


And this is why we don’t get new players for very long.


Smurfing isn’t reportable but why.

If the government said that you need to get a tracking chip implanted in your spine, would you just go with it or would you think for yourself and decide if the rules are reasonable or if some evil person has conquered the world?

If the current criminal justice system is flawed (and it has been for many years and many people would agree with me), then how can you trust some game company to have a flawless TOS. A company that clearly has motives which would override ethics as per the blitz-incident.


so you don’t care if they’re smurfing, actually
i got accused of smurfing a lot back when i first started out because as it turns out there’s a pretty wide range of transferable skill from other games and not everybody’s first FPS is overwatch

seriously though, imagine just starting out the game and this absolute dork reports you for being slightly better than a lobotomized donkey because he gets tilted that you manage a kill on him, what a joke

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But how you are totally sure is a smurf?

Not need to answer is a rhetorical question, you can’t.

Instead i can report you because there is no doubt you are breaking some rules.

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I think you just called having alt accounts smurfs, and thats a thing, having alt account is fine, having alt account ment to be in lower rank than you are, either by throwing yourself or done by soemone else, is not good and its reportable action.
Basicialy smurfs are those who abuse ranking system to get themself lower, and keep themself there by balaning stomps with throw games.
Or get to low rank by throwing, get back up, and sell account and buy new one i imagine what also break some rules.

True that is a problem, who is smurfing and who is not? Its hard to decide, but i also noticed, some people who actualy do it… are quite open about it or other things they done.
I meet so few smurfs either saying they bought the account from someone placed lower, or that they planning to sell it later if the rank up to much. Either of those is reportable and ban worthy, and let everyone know who they can safely report at least for people who maintain it to look closely at owner of account actions.

Back in my day, we had no idiotic elo system for shooters. Or any multiplayer game for that matter.
We had persistent servers with a server browser. And anyone, of any skill level, could join any server.
And guess what? It worked just fine. People of lesser skill would find ways to do their thing against higher skilled players.

You’re being spoiled with the MMR system as it is. I believe any kind of elo system actually holds players back more than it allows them to grow.
Why? Because if you only learn to play against people of your own elo, you don’t learn how to play against people of a higher elo. And so you never improve.

The “smurfs” are kinda dumb because they play against weaker players and so they don’t improve themselves. But in doing so they help those weaker players become better.

Well except for the whiners. They just babyrage cuz they’re bad.

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