I'm really, really tired of alt accounts

It does corrupt the ladder, though. The issues causing high ranked games to be so unbelievably unfun for a huge chunk of the players need to be addressed. Only then will alts stop being used more than mains.

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That is down to double shield being the go to. Nothing else.

Also the current support meta.

Dps viability is equally an enormous issue.

It’s all linked together though.

The game is just not balanced or fun once you reach high ranks. Why are we expecting the players to invest their time into that as opposed to buying an alt on sale?

The game isn’t balanced, and never will be as balance is a bit of a myth with all the variables at play.

Their mistake was not adjusting things more frequently.

This is true. It has however gotten much worse over the last year+. There is no excuse for the same heroes being A tier or more for so long and the same heroes being D tier or less. None. It’s not competitive.

Also true. I’m a firm advocate for balance patches every 2 months or so minimum. Keeping the meta in constant flux and addressing outliers would prevent stagnation and over time cause repeated nerfs/buffs to the heroes who are the most over/underpowered.

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They took themselves down some deep rabbit holes introducing abilities like Baps lamp on cooldown that will be difficult for them to move on from without small reworks.

Personally, I’d like to see no more buffs before OW2. Just nerf things. No ability needs to be stronger right now.

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Some of us hate waiting 15-35 minutes to play a DPS game in Plat or higher ranks.

So we make alternate accounts.

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So you’re using people below your skill level to improve waiting times.

That mindset isn’t gonna lead anywhere bad, I wonder how close those people are to quitting the game over the many other issues this game has. Better put smurfing ontop of that stack, they won’t break and just leave.



If blizzard doesn’t want to fix this stupid role queue problem for everything but DPS… what am I supposed to do when I have 1 hour a night to play?

I’m not saying don’t do it. I’m saying you’re basically exploiting the skill difference and the games you’re playing in that ‘competitive’ mode aren’t competitive.

Also consider everything people complain about with OW, 2cp doesn’t exist in a vacuum and smurfing doesn’t exist in a vacuum. The more people smurf the more higher ranks get depopulated, the longer the wait times.

All the people that don’t want to wait are also making those wait times longer by not staying in the queue.

Also by buying a second account you’re telling them this new system you hate is worth supporting and everyone else smurfing is doing the same thing, you’re all basically cows being milked by the farmer you hate. People like you are the last kind of people I want playing this game because you’re not only making it worse but you actively want change while actively supporting the status quo.

Sadly, no. You can find this from the myriad of excuses for people having alt accounts. The game being “unfun” isn’t mentioned very often.

What IS mentioned is that they don’t want to “ruin games” learning a new hero at their actual rank. Which, of course, means they ruin games at LOWER ranks, all the time while they claim that the only way to get better at the game is to play against better people. :roll_eyes:

It’s a transparent excuse for valuing their main account’s SR over other people’s enjoyment of the game. They will happily park their main because they’re scared they’ll never get their SR back ever again or they don’t want to invest the time grinding the SR back when they learn the new hero and instead make everyone ELSE’S game extra unfun for their own convenience.

They should just be honest about it and realize when they throw out excuses like that, they’re just being selfish and ruining competitive integrity because they’re scared of losing SR.


Where are yours then?

Im diamond and I never wait more than 5 mins for a game. I cant speak for everyone but that is my experience.


Just know that the alt accounts and smurfs are allowed to manipulate and cheat the matchmaker ALL they want to stomp games, the devs don’t care.

But YOU aren’t ALLOWED to leave those matches that are unfairly tilted and against cheaters.
THEIR time is more valuable than YOURS! Their accounts and games are more important than yours.

Don’t ever forgot that the devs don’t care about your games if you are an honest player playing at your honest rank. They outright support cheating over you.

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That is how it should be. Your rank should tank if you are playing heroes you aren’t good at. The game is meant to be a game where you switch heroes constantly.

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Yes, but that shouldn’t entail having to purchase a new account, or whatever thought process that led players to that conclusion.

I’m all for playing what you’re comfortable with, but I’m not okay with players buying alternative accounts as some sort of cop out.

Frankly, I think this game needs an overhaul to its competitive system as a means of improving competitive integrity and stamping out things that oppose this.

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Here’s thing, your pushing these problems onto the team mates of your alt account. For example, let’s say your playing this account to learn Rein but you’re already an experienced monkey player so you refuse to ever play it. What if the match really calls for monkey to be played? On the one hand you’re not screwing over the opposition by playing hero your far better than your current SR is appropriate for, but on the other hand you’re screwing over your team mates cos you won’t play a character that you can and ordinarily would.

The problem here is that you’re not playing to win, you’re playing to practise and instead of tanking the learning curve on yourself your pushing it onto a bunch of others. Now multiply this problem out by all the people with their many alts and suddenly there’s a massive portion of comp that don’t really care about winning :man_shrugging:t2:


playin vs golds who clearly had a huge disadvantage vs him. ok, nothing wrong.

to climb up meanwhile all those matches were ruined :slight_smile:

only thing that guy did (I watched only one because I’m against that ‘‘content’’) wasn’t to ‘‘educate’’ me to become better, was only to demotivate me to even try to go comp. Why I would go there and have a match where I can’t clearly do anything due a huge skill gap?

Let’s say I am placed in gold (i don’t even have a rank) and I lose vs another gold? (a true gold) , cool, I eat that up, match was even. But facing a ‘‘gold’’ who is gm while I only seen gold?

MAAAAAAAN what a perfect balanced match. Zero chances.

I prefer to keep myself out of comps due the demotivation this guy gave to me.

you keep sayin everyone ‘‘they’re rare what data you have to claim they’re this frequent’’ well , what data DO YOU HAVE to say they’re rare, I play only qp and I keep meeting ‘‘alt’’ accounts who clearly aren’t new to the game, I’m new and I barely get how to play ONE hero and how toface all the other ones with said hero

also what you say ‘‘debunked’’ again , but seems you skipped that part, are those who deny the reality , like the mentioned doom lev 25 knowing all maps rollout…

please even with a youtube video don’t tell me at such level you know how to do that in every map, or how to snipe and where to position yourself as widow, or to do a 6k kill with genji… cmon.

The only tank I play is D.Va and that’s because placements put me MUCH higher than I should be. I think me playing a role in a rank I don’t belong is more detrimental than me not playing the one tank hero I got there with.

When I practice tanking, I mean I play to win MINUS that one hero I already know.

You play Dva cos the placements put you higher than it should’ve? :thinking:

Well, deciding you do/don’t belong in any given rank kinda throws up its own problems :sweat_smile:

I see what you mean, and I’m not necessarily against the concept of one tricks either if you really can’t play anything else. However my dislike of alt accounts and the mindset of “it’s just my alt so I won’t bother playing XYZ cos I’ll win” (and all the other problems alt/smurf accounts throw up) I think trumps that.

That’s the thing. You describe it as practise and you’re not trying to win as you’re deliberately handicapping yourself (I know you’re not deliberately throwing on not Dva by afking etc and I’m not suggesting you’re doing this). For people trying to rank up they’re playing whatever they can play as best as they can. That’s the mindset you lose when you’re on an alt account, which has been what’s missing from comp for a long time (shame that the toxicity didn’t get lost along with it).

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