I'm really, really tired of alt accounts

Prove there is no issue? Below is my proof there is no issue.

Yes you need to provide proof there is no issue.
You are welcome to question the OPs claim and be open to the possibility that it is false, but short-circuiting to it being falsified requires proof.

It took me seconds to show you a reasoned out discussion using math that explains how much each alt impacts the ladder. You are welcome to provide mathematical refutation or substitute your own derivations.

Until then you have nothing and your claim can be dismissed.

Thanks for playing.

I proved that there was no issue though.

I provided you with nothing to prove that nothing is there.

Now you need to prove that there is something there.

Exactly as I thought. Thanks for playing.

Still waiting for your proof that something is an issue.

It was already provided here:

Did you miss it? What part(s) of that thread do you disagree with and on what mathematical grounds.

That isn’t proof. That is just one persons theory that also wasn’t verified with any proof.

(unless that was just you on another account).

So which part of the “theory” do you disagree with and on what grounds?

Like I said:


Replying in a condescending manner doesn’t help your case. Just makes you look a bit weird btw.

As for which part of the theory. All of it, and my ground are as such.

It had no proof.

So, if you want to log into your alt account and add proof to that theory, go ahead.

No. People agreeing isn’t verifying. That is called an echo chamber. Just because someone agrees, doesn’t mean you are right.


It literally was a proof. The OP statements were proof by definition.
If you read through you’ll see that it was verified by construction and induction.

If you’re qualified to determine it isn’t proof, you’re qualified to explain why.
The minimum bid is some degree of math or refutations that reason out where the math went wrong.

Also you still need to show how you can make this claim:

Please back that statement up with some math.
Until then you still have nothing.

When you prove your claim from multiple of your alt accounts that there is an issue.

Not a theory other conspiracists agree with.

Until then. I shall go sleep. Work in the morning.

Sorry…are you making yet another claim without any evidence?

We are really, really tired of reading posts about this every day. I’m sorry there are people in this game that are better than you.


It does corrupt the ladder, though. The issues causing high ranked games to be so unbelievably unfun for a huge chunk of the players need to be addressed. Only then will alts stop being used more than mains.

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That is down to double shield being the go to. Nothing else.

Also the current support meta.

Dps viability is equally an enormous issue.

It’s all linked together though.

The game is just not balanced or fun once you reach high ranks. Why are we expecting the players to invest their time into that as opposed to buying an alt on sale?

The game isn’t balanced, and never will be as balance is a bit of a myth with all the variables at play.

Their mistake was not adjusting things more frequently.

This is true. It has however gotten much worse over the last year+. There is no excuse for the same heroes being A tier or more for so long and the same heroes being D tier or less. None. It’s not competitive.

Also true. I’m a firm advocate for balance patches every 2 months or so minimum. Keeping the meta in constant flux and addressing outliers would prevent stagnation and over time cause repeated nerfs/buffs to the heroes who are the most over/underpowered.

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They took themselves down some deep rabbit holes introducing abilities like Baps lamp on cooldown that will be difficult for them to move on from without small reworks.

Personally, I’d like to see no more buffs before OW2. Just nerf things. No ability needs to be stronger right now.

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Some of us hate waiting 15-35 minutes to play a DPS game in Plat or higher ranks.

So we make alternate accounts.

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