I'm really disappointed in the community

Blizzard does something for Charity. They don’t get a dime of the proceeds. Everything goes to the charity. Not to mention that the charity is a good one.

I know for some people that $14.99 seems like a lot to some people. It’s approximately 2 trips to McDonalds buying a Big Mac meal or a single trip to 5 guys to put it into perspective. You will probably spend more going to TGI Fridays. It’s for a good cause and you are under no obligation to purchase.

I also know that some people might prefer a different charity. That doesn’t make this one any less worthy. Different people have hearts for different causes and that is OK. That said, don’t be that guy that says “well what about…”. It’s not a good look.

Buy the skin or don’t buy the skin. But please don’t complain about it. Blizzard is doing a good thing here. We really don’t need the negative feedback about something that is truly a good and reasonable thing.


Don’t lump the community in with them, from what I gather, it’s just a select few loud people in the minority. Most of the people in this community love this Charity drive and want to see Blizzard continue it with more charities!


I don’t think people have the slightest clue how much work goes into creating, skinning, meshing, and animating a skin like that. Blizzard giving away all of the proceeds is great considering the process required to make the skin.


I 100% agree with you. When you think the skin is too expensive, why even complain about it? Its not like you have to buy it.


And don’t forget about these goodies, too!


People are entitled to an opinion you know :neutral_face:

So what if they want to voice their opinion, even if it’s negative, thats the entire point of a forum. I mean, I’m not going to purchase the skin even though I have been affected by the problem before, but you can’t really just berate those who voice what they want to say.


They better waste 1k on “new” iphone


The lengths people will go to complain about things will never cease to amaze me.


That’s a good point. And I appreciate your comment.

There are a lot of good souls in this community. The selfish and uncaring attitude that I see on display by some people though just really rubs me the wrong way. People need more gratitude and generosity in general.


That’s generalising, there’s plenty of players who are happy with this. It’s just a vocal minority who are moaning loudly.

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I don’t have any issues with the fact that the skin is bought, but I think $15 is a tad high as a baseline for it. I feel like it could draw more people in if it was priced at $5, and there was added bonuses for donating more (such as league tokens). I don’t think it’s high as a price for the skin just that it would entice more people to buy it if it was cheaper with higher paying options for those who want to donate more.


I think you’re missing the point.

It literally would have been better if they didn’t bring charity in to this at all, and just sold the skin for $30.

What they do with the money is up to them, they don’t need to advertise it. They could of still given it to charity.

I don’t like business practices like this.

Ultimately we’re talking about a difference of opinion though, and I still want the skin, but I’m undecided about whether or not I’m going to actually buy it.

Bless is coming out soon.


I’d rather know 100% that it goes to a charity than possibly something random or not at all. If it hadn’t been 100% going to a charity then I wouldn’t have bought the skin. As it’s 100% I’m happy to pay for the skin as I’m not really supporting Blizzard’s mismanagement of Mercy feedback and the rework but instead the charity.


:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Hello again c;

If they guarantee they aren’t getting a tax charity rebate (out of your pocket), and match every purchase with a dollar, it would look a lot more like genuine charity on their part.

It’s a weird choice of charity considering the predominant demographic is male.

Not complaining, just saying, never take a corporation’s charitable actions at face value (especially one that seems to be hell bent on getting children addicted to gambling).


the hero we need but don’t deserve


This is true. As RichC pointed out, maybe I shouldn’t have been so broad in my comments. There are a lot of good people in the Overwatch community too.


Thats because this community is more toxic than radioactive waste.

It does nto surprise me that even something done for charities ends up being whined and moaned about, attacking Blizzard for being greedy or because the skin sucks, or what have you.


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: free speech

That burger comparison is exactly what i’ve been using along with it only being about an hour’s worth of work.

The way i like to think of it too is i’m paying 5$ for the skin and donating 10$ to charity, or vice versa.

“buy the skin or don’t buy the skin” exactly. wish blizz would do more of these things because it fits overwatch’s main message so well.

we got rialto, brigitte, retribution, competitive 6v6, etc. for free so i don’t see it as a big deal, nonetheless i’ll be buying one and gifting one to a friend/family that needs it.