Those garbage things are 100% bugged.
How many times played with very low rank friend (B/S) and had Uphill Battle - +4%… next game Expected loss - -21%…
Like wtf???
This is part of the issue that comes with transparency. They could very well change nothing except stop the “expected” etc. modifiers from showing on the rank screen and nobody would complain anymore.
It’s exactly how Elo-style systems work, though. When you win against people who are below your team’s skill level, you gain fewer points. If the goal of the system is to assign people a rating that resembles their relative skill as accurately as possible, that’s how it should work, right?
Edit: Removed all the yapping because I realized it was all wrong.
Have you considered an option that you are in that rank because you belong there? Or there is some secret in constant complaining that will boost your rank?
In my experience constant complaining has led me to losing rank, has something changed?
And like I always get expected on the most uphill challenging matches too. Like they’ve been kicking our butts the whole game but in the last teamfight we get a huge value pick and emerge victorious.
The thing people never seem to accept is that it doesnt matter if the expected/uphill/reversal garbage was in the system long before it became a public facing modifier, its still absolute garbage and shouldnt be in the game.
People love and love to complain about the matchmaking, and rightfully so its absolutely terrible, but complain about this system? Suddenly everyone just blindly agrees with the matchmaker and it couldnt be wrong, it was always there just get over it.
It happened multiple times a day for the past 2-3 weeks since the season has started that I absolutely stomp teams and get a reversal bonus modifier, or that matches will be incredibly hard and close only to end in an expected if we win or a reversal if we lose.
“Oh it just happens because of the MMR discrepancy” Wow youre so smart no one for sure couldve figured this out! Only matches are made with the express purpose of being as close to 50/50 as possible, and you dont deserve bonus gains or losses because the 2-3% chance difference said so.
Not to mention MMR is atrocious at accuracy and by default just does the best approximation possible. It will never EVER be accurate enough in any game to justify bonuses or penalties.
All it serves to do is further tilt people who lose, or make wins feel worse, because no one actually gets a positive feeling from seeing the bonuses, at best they go “cool whatever” or “Uh sure why not I guess”
No you’ll eventually get a 50% win rate and the rank you are when that happens will be based on your skill.
For example if you have 69% wr it doesn’t mean you deserve to rank up because you already are at a higher rank.
Easier for you to not to care because if they do change they’ll either just hide it or have longer queue times but you’ll be at the same rank because that’s based on your skill vs other people.
What gets me is when they call it “expected” or “reversal” after giving me the heaviest players imaginable.
If I was genuinely getting easier matches, I wouldn’t mind being rewarded less, but that’s almost never actually the case. You’ll be getting shafted and the matchmaker’s like “idk lol”
Which is literally why this shouldnt exist. The MM is never accurate enough to be giving you bonuses or penalties based on nothing but a predetermination.
Say we had an absolutely perfect AI that was 100% correct that was watching games and could see the outcomes of matches, then and really only then would I understand this system because it could use these modifiers based on the outcomes and not just their prediction of what would happen based on MMR. If it sees an insanely close game it can give consolation losses, if it sees a turbo stomp it can give a lopsided penalty.
But we dont have it, all we have is a system that looks at raw MMR and guesses long before the match actually takes place, and regardless of anything that happens in game youre guaranteed a penalty.
I mean i respect making a joke over trying to defend your point because it can only come across as entitled so far.
Thing is if you ignored this and played 25 games then you’ll at worst be within 3 divisions of your rank at worst and play 50 then you’ll be would of already peaked at least once above your rank. This won’t change if they change expected system or made sure everything game is closer to 50%.
If ow isn’t fun enough for you to hammer 50 games in a season your not the core audience and it doesn’t need to be made less accurate so you can feel good about getting some pixels.
Now if the way they visualise you ranking up tilts you… Ignore it, problem solved.
I’ll also mention it’s hypocritical to complain about expected when you win but not complain about uphill when you win as it happens just as often and cancels stuff out. Ofc, if you measured that you’d notice that but because you’re looking for a problem so you ignore context.
Anyway this is why i think you point is terrible and personally prefer that the system is more transparent.
In ideal world the match would be fair, but realistically speaking they try to give you a proper match and due the deviation on the system, often based on player with not well defined MMR, like the ones on Alts and on a uncommon trend you get misleading expected matches.
For the match to be accurate, players would stick with one account through several matches to be placed among the rank based on it’s performance, but keep in mind that the performance of specific rank changes overtime, being lower at specific points due several variables like patches, hero additions and period of the season, while also higher for similar reasons.
Having undefined MMR players, like alts, increases the noise and the likelyhood of misleading expected matches.