I'm pretty sure I'll get hate for this (...)

You do realize I am only partly serious… man do I have to spell it all out?

I’m guessing your a flashbang abuser?

Nope I dont play mcree as much as other heroes look me up on overbuff. Use him occasionally but not often. Your hero percentile are also in the 10 percents and you play flank dps which is probably why you think flashbang is broken.

Those who cried “OMG, I’m oneshot by widow… there is no counterplay… Nerf Blizzard Nerf… This is unfair… U can’t win vs a GOOD widow etc.” will still cry when they get killed by widow. That 1s would mean nothing for players who complained about it, it’s just a bit harder to tome the shot.
This nerf won’t stop people from complaining about oneshot, thats my point.

LOL I love people who to have a discussion have to resort to stats… as if those mean you can’t also think. Btw, this is only one of several accounts I play on, each specializes in certain characters so be careful of drawing conclusions on limiited information. “Alienist” is my “Talon” account…

Exactly, no matter what Widow one shots. Hardstuck silvers will cry about it because they dont know how to deal with a widow. Instead of going to blizzard on how to stop widow. Learn to stop her yourself, the best way is to harass her, put pressure on her or just flat out kill her. Because its extremely stressful hitting shots while getting pressured off by a genji for example.

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:thinking: So… it didn’t get enough traction in the original thread, it needed to get spotlighted here in it’s own topic. Ok, got it. :yum:

I didnt resort to stats you just wouldnt respond to my first arguement. So if you wanna respond now?

I genuinely worry about Brig she is the most overnerfed hero in the game even more than Mercy. Even Violet said she needs an extra shield health but Blizzard don’t listen to Brig mains I guess

I don’t have any need to - you made your point, I still contend that F/B is a broken mechanic in our out of death match. It’s cheese in my opinion. Widow will be fine with a 1 second charge time, is a small price to pay for a one-shot kill ability.

Widow wont be fine though, the price paid before was having no raw damage and being easily diveable. Now dive is coming back so her pick rate(which is already extremely low in ladder and OWL) would be virtually nothing. Because now there is no real reason to pick her over say Mcree, Reaper, Doomfist, Mei, Hanzo. Like its not the nerf itself being the problem its the timing of the nerf, why now when dive is becoming meta and Dva has 3 second booster cooldown now. I can somewhat understand the arguement before all this, but after dive, low pick rates, hero pools. Not a good move.