Im no Geologist or Electrical Engineer... butttt

Counter point, big drill go brrrr

snakes have RC cars, so thats the next step

immunity where you literally can’t do anything apart move on and be intercepted by other heroes.

like… reaper, no?

so its not good game design… so you agree, it should be hackable

Not really. Unseen magical forces are protecting her from emp. Same magic that lets heroes double jump and stuff, its not explained

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bionics … you dont need to try to explain magic to me, the problem is people are just like… MAGIC… not LOGIC

I didn’t say that: it’s a repositioning ability like reaper’s. I don’t understand what the problem is with it being a skill where you can’t hack it, even considering venture has a casting time to go in the earth.

We dont follow much science at all. Gravity exists but fall damage does not.

Because that explains it. Magic exists and makes unusual things happen.

To be fair we have zero confirmation that magic exists only that Kiriko believes it is magic.

What else would you call it? Also stuff like double jump and her teleport are not explained by tech

it does damage when you exit… also displaces slightly , nothing like reapers. Reapers is a defensive ability, Ventures is an offensive ability

In the time it takes for Venture to burrow, you could go make a 3 course meal and still have time to EMP/ Hack them out of it


Futuristic Nanobots that we dont understand yet

If you are going with that then we can say the same for having emp protection while underground. It only works underground, you just dont understand it yet

EMPs don’t cause you to be unable to sprint. Unless you’re Soldier 76.

confirmed, some random dude in the forums removed scientific fact by saying the ground has nanobots… GJ, you won the internet today

No I’m saying she has them equipped as part of her kit. You’re the random dude, I’m the special and eternal genius.

If you are just here to fight about dumb stuff I can do this too. Anything you say could be countered by your own logic.

Scientific Fact

You DO know the energy required to actually double jump would be equal to a nuclear blast right?

Double jump is basically just ninja skills (you can handwave it like with Hanzo). As for the rest, as an example, it could have been an early version of the Hardlight tech designed by Vishkarr. Given that they had to keep it quiet it would make sense to do the early experiments on a criminal organization (Shimada) which explains the dragons. As for why Kiriko has it, you could say that Kiriko’s grandmother went to the Shimada as a request (remember Kiriko’s Mom trained Hanzo and Genji) and had the power given to her granddaughter without her knowledge. This explains why seemingly nobody else has ever seen or used the fox spirit prior to the point where her mother is shocked that it is real when you would think she would have seen her mother using it at least once if the fox was actually real.

Something that could easily be used to hand wave away the magic elements, as Blizzard has said magic does not exist in Overwatch, as it does function very similarly to Vishkarr Hardlight tech.