I'm level 2, What i can do i didn't before?

How do you tel what level you are?

That’s stupid. These forums are stupid.

1 Like

Here you go.

Well I’d say it was just a stop gap to prevent the servers from melting on the very first day.

Thanks… doesn’t tell me how I figure out what trust level I am right now though. Do you know?

Nothing unique tbh, you just need to reach level 3 to get something special.

what does it means? ^^

I meant by something special because when you reach level 3 you can finally post links and pics without the forum screaming at you that “You can’t do that because you aren’t level 3”.

I understand that.
My question was, What tbh means?

TBH is short for To Be Honest

Omg i feel so stupid :joy:

1 Like

It means “to be honest”

Oops someone beat me to it


There’s a limit on the amount of likes you can do per day and replies too probably, though I have been in WoW too much too notice the post limit.

You are 7 minutes late.


Oh oops
(Fashionably late)


How do I post pics/gifs? I wanna be cool like you guys.

You gotta be level 3 first

I am. I just can’t figure out how to use my cool powers lol