I'm level 1100 and still ranked bronze

If you honestly think I’m after a participation trophy? Then you’re not reading what I’m writing.

As for 2016? I’ve seen people post VOD’s on these forums and be ripped to shreds. No thanks.

This is the forum where you can post an unequivocal truth of the game, and someone will disagree. You think people are going to be all happy helpful with a VOD? Ha. Sure.

There was a thread recently about Pharmercy in lower ranks. I said if it’s Pharmercy vs a hitscan, that’s not a reliable counter. The counter needs backup of some kind, from a Mercy dmg boost, or a discord, or something. Next post was straight disagreement.

Such are the forums here.

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I believe in you <33

I do, look at what you’re writing. Someone who plays so much should be automatically promoted to the next rank? Factor in the fact that people are quitting and you’re going against higher ranked players in the same SR range. So if you’re just doing the bare minimal by getting experience through playing but not actively getting better faster then you’re just sitting idle because you’re just playing with the same skill level players or just slightly better but the number you see is varying.

It’s the way that VOD’s are posted. The people that post but don’t take criticism or are just out to blame their teammates are the exact ones that get torn to shreds.

I never said a word about “automatically promoted”. So, no, you’re not reading what I’m writing.

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You specify that it’s account specific, not individual player as shown here:

As in, the more that an account has playtime on it the more it should go up in the ranks just because it plays a lot. Not because the player themselves get better, but just because the account has a lot of playtime on it it should rank up. As in an Automatic Rankup, a participation trophy as one might call it.

What I am trying to get you to understand is that the SR number does not define who you are as a player and this is because no matter what SR you are, you are still matched with people in or around your own personal skill level by virtue of playing a game following a normal curve. If tomorrow everyone in gold quits, you’ll pretty much automatically hit gold because the normal distribution will put you there. If everyone in bronze and GM quit then gold players in 2000-2199 most likely will start to fall into Silver while players 2201-2499 most likely will fall into Plat. The rest of the ladder will shift accordingly up or down to fill the spots. What does that mean? That the gold players in 2000-2199 are now silver players? No, the skills they picked up from reaching Gold doesn’t all the sudden get lost and now they’re “silver players”. The same for Masters players that got pushed up to GM by people quitting. They still have much to learn before they’re even a match for professional level players. Same goes for the Silver players who are now all Bronze. Are they Bronze just because they’re bronze? No, they were Silver level players but are just now in the Bronze bracket.

This just means that the skill floor raised up because previous Bronze players are gone. This literally means that people who have never played an FPS game or OW before are going to be the new true Bronze players until they get better. The fact that I was stuck in gold/plat for about 15 seasons? I never bothered to get any better. I quit if I happen to reach Diamond. I don’t read guides, I don’t watch matches, I don’t watch streamers, I just use my general FPS sense from other games to play “good enough”. Good enough to keep my rank from season to season. I see the players get better every season, Plats from S3 are not the same as Plats now. By basically saying, I should be a higher rank because I play so much undermines everyone else who actually takes the time to get better faster than everyone in their current rank.

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I’m my quote did I say “Someone who plays so much should be automatically promoted to the next rank”?

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You’re specifying that time = results.

Some accounts do not climb to the next rank → Due to the player themselves not getting better faster than other players at their rank.

Even though that account has improved over the hundreds of hours → Standard playtime just to stay “good enough” does not result in improvement fast enough. You are getting better in the sense that you are able to keep your rank, not getting better faster to allow yourself to get to the next tier.

Enough to advance to the next rank → You are telling us that players who play a ton should have gained enough “experience points to reach the next tier”. How exactly am I supposed to interpret this?

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Can you link or describe this? Just curious what legacy values are being used and how.

Incorrect. I did not say ‘Someone who plays so much should be automatically promoted to the next rank’.

Then you quote something that is not what you said I said.

Saying ‘An account can improve enough via internal stats that Blizzard themselves put into the game, yet it doesn’t climb.’ is not the same as the babblefish nonsense you initially said.

You feel free to let me know when you’re done putting words in my mouth though. I’ll be around.

Post 18 has a link to the thread where it’s combed over nicely.

Buy a new account and you will be ranked in plat.

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You know, you say that, but…

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You’re saying time = results. How is that not promoting automatic promotion?

I’ve only quoted things that you’ve said and the only thing that I’ve said is that you are assuming time = results. The more you play the more you should be a higher rank.

Would you like for me to explain to you what a ranking based off of a normal distribution curve means?

I’ve been done putting words in your mouth. You’re the one spouting out that time = results.

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Ah, the old ‘I’m going to multi-quote!’ schtick.

You misquoted me. That’s it. That’s all. I didn’t say ‘time = auto rank up’. You say I did? Nope. Sure doesn’t look it.

I’ve said for some time now ‘time = may not go up in rank’. Those are two very different things. Very different.

But hey, who am I to explain extremely simple and easy to grasp statements to you. You think whatever you like. Feel free.

I find it comedic one can derive ‘I played a LONG TIME! I should get boosted in rank for free!’ from ‘I’ve played the game a long time, I know I’ve improved in comparison to those I’m randomly paired with at my rank, often. I don’t rank up. That’s weird.’ Come on, Tako. You seem like a smart dood. What’re you doing?

OW has had a garbage rank system since release. 3 years later, you can routinely have people that played over 1500 hours, paired with those that just ‘opened the box and installed’. There’s some very good reasons why Blizzard keeps some of the MMR mechanics underwraps. Hint: Because it’s an awful ranking system no one has ever used in any other FPS game in all of gaming history.

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Based off of what you just said, why is it weird? Just solely based off of what you just said. “I’ve played the game a long time and I know I’ve improved in comparison to those I’m randomly paired with at my rank, often. I don’t rank up.” The player in question, is questioning why after so much time they put in, they haven’t ranked up.

The way you put it is in 2 extremes of the same case. That after so much time has been invested, I should be ranking up. Time = Results. I haven’t changed anything I said nor anything you said, but they are the same exact thing.

The issue with you bringing this up now is that you never mentioned this from a completely unbiased response. All the responses you’ve given to this thread in regards to your I’m stuck in Silver/Gold after 1700 hours GOOD EFFING GAME is you just complaining about your teammates. How you question how you aren’t a higher rank after playing 1700 hours. I even gave you a reasoning as to why you’re still stuck in gold/plat and even told you how I’ve been in Plat for 15+ seasons all while noticing that the playerbase is getting better every season. Somehow you just look past that and don’t even acknowledge it?

You refuse to post any gameplay out of what? Fear, like that one user mentioned? You have the balls to talk down to people in this thread, dismiss anything that you don’t agree with and then not even show others respect by reading everything that they post and only reply to the first couple of sentences?

Ironically, this game a fairly decent ranking system if used outside of this game. The bottom line issue is that it’s not a ranking system that should be applied to a 6v6 style game, in a community that’s so heavily biased towards casual new players to the genre. It favors a more deathmatch style of play, which as we all know OW isn’t supposed to be.

Also it’s been 3 years, those out of the box players are most likely alt accounts.

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You’re deviating. I said

“Some accounts, do not climb to the next rank, even though that account has improved over the hundreds of hours. Enough to advance to the next rank.”

which you misconstrued as:

“‘Someone who plays so much should be automatically promoted to the next rank’.”

Those aren’t the same statements. I’m unable to give an answer to a quote I never said. Sorry. I do not and have never said time played = auto rank up. That’s all on you. :expressionless:

I love when people try and make fun of rank based on borders. oh like you’re going to be top 500 when you have a plat border? b- please… it’s such a dumb thing to try and make fun of. Just shows how little you understand about the game. Those same people are the ones that say “i have 3 gold medals!” thinking that makes them good.


Try hammond, I heard he’s always curled up in a ball too.