I'm leaving Symmetra. Here's why

He’s strong, look at his win rate it’s mediocre

there we go… starting off somewhere

Don’t worry, Sym mains are the most unappreciative players and will jump down your throat when you say she doesn’t need buffs.

25 extra shields no longer her makes her a glass canon. She just does a ton of damage, most in the game for a regular hero and she also gets 225hp. Her ultimate is insane, turrets are insane, she can safely stay 12 meters away and charge off shields… Like she isn’t the best hero, but she is by far not even the worst.

I don’t see Bastion players leaving because the hero has been utter garbage since launch. He works best with all members in his team contributing to keep him alive. Absolute opposite definition of mobile. That is poor design. This new Sym is a force to reckon with.


Yeah most Sym players are Mercy players on these forums, it’s quite common.

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They’re just whiney. I get Sym isn’t in the best place ever, but she is in a much better place than a lot of other DPS heroes. DF, Bastion, Torb (50/50 on this), Pharah… like there are worse heroes in the game and those were only DPS I mentioned.

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The problem with these arguments is that her capability to get uptime to do damage is bad even for a “utility dps” and I don’t just mean in terms of her primary.

  • mei actually has decent range with how fast her icicles are + wall placement range to compensate her 0 mobility and actually has sustain to compensate for her being sustain damage.
  • sombra’s got dedicated mobility abilities that let her engage and disengage really well and without too much down time despite her lower (amongst the cast) effective range.


  • orbs are legit in this weird place where they’re terrible as spam but also terrible as an aimed projectile
    • as sustain damage they have 120/(1s charge up + 0.25s wind down) = 96dps which is legit lower than a body shotting mercy pistol, the latter of which is more consistent to land with higher firerate and higher projectile speed
      • like if it’s meant to be spam…why have a sniper-tier low fire rate on them?
    • and as an aimed projectile fire, they’re so slow making them mathematically so easy to dodge despite their projectile size as shown below:
  • the above wouldn’t be as much of a problem if tp was high mobility but it isn’t because of static nature + really terrible cd mechanic giving them really high down time that translates directly into hero down time
  • primary’s problems are obvious: demanding sustain that sym doesn’t have.
    • this wouldn’t be much of a problem if they didn’t number her staple weapon fire (orbs) so terribly.

i.e. all in all: low effective range, low sustain/bulk, and from infinite tp: low mobility and low burst.

and here’s the thing. about 2.5 of the things you mentioned there are things that the player doesn’t have much control of inherently at a balancing level:

  • “landing more orbs” isn’t something all that in control of the player in most ranges because of how lenient they are to dodge as mathematically shown above.
    • getting close enough with tp to make them not as lenient to dodge also has extremely high down time compared to others i.e. there defs is a big portion of the match time where the sym player is shooting orbs further away.
  • having charge for “engaging the back line when charged” simply is something you have to rely teammates on enabling.
  • similarly, “keeping your beam charged” also needs the sym player to rely on allies in letting sym stay alive within 12m without dying.

Your first mistake with this post: thinking the devs were competent in balance

There is another just as good advice “get team to play around you”.

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Just as good, if not better :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah, the most problematic symmetra player of all time has come the the forums. Interesting

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naur naur it’s true it’s true!


i mean it was. she got played more across all ranks and had a higher winrate. the only way sym ever becomes a common pick is if shes busted. shes doomed to never be popular unfortunately

Every patch that goes by, it feels like Doom is falling further and further into obscurity. It’s been almost a year since his last balance change, and he is still a bottom of the barrel pick. he only received zero buffs in 2020, and they’ve accomplished nothing.

My favourite hero was completely butchered for the sake of whiny people and now that he’s getting picked, he’s being ignored by the developers. He’s one of the worst Damage heroes on ladder, but they just don’t seem to care at all.

I’m sick of being ran over by the power crept hitscans and getting stunned by literally everything that exists. He’s nothing more than a walking target. He has a niche that can’t even be fulfilled in high tiers of play, leaving us Doom mains in the trashcan.

Doomfist is a terrible damage hero. For the love of God, either make him a Damage hero or a Tank. This identity crisis is harmful.

Combine all of this with no bugfixes over a year? Yeah…I’m just losing my faith in the developers’ ability to balance and design this hero.

So I’m leaving Doomfist for a while. I’m no longer enjoying the game playing the hero, which widely bubbles down to developer negligence. Goodluck to my brothers that still enjoy playing him. This is me hanging up my Gauntlet.

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Are you saying she doesn’t need buffs? Open wide Negan, I am about to jump…

ok so her rework made her go from being playable on 0 maps to being playable on 1 map at the very pinnacle of skill tier in overwatch and nowhere else. such a successful rework :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

I’m so glad you’ve came to the conclusion to stop throwing.

Thank you.


I didn’t say she wasn’t playable on other maps, she’s just broken on Lijiang Tower.

For those who aren’t as familiar or for those who don’t follow him, here is Stevo’s Youtube: (Warning - language)

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Ouch. This post is hurting me lol. How am I doing well with Sym if she is this bad? I always figured it depends on the map situation/team comp to have good games with her. I still have knock out gold matches with my sym playing. I’m going to be warry next time I play her for sure. I just didn’t think she was that bad. Of course I’d never play her competitively unless it was a defense match. Its difficult to play competitive when I main sym and Mei. Lol have had to teach myself a lot of other damage dealers to be relevant. Which has been a bit of a bummer. At least I can play them all I want in quick match. Got my freedom there.