I'm leaving OW because of smurfs, here's why

Literally impossible to play competitive. Dropped from high gold to bronze when I 1st started playing and after a full year can’t climb out of bronze. 8 out of 10 games I play has a 100% smurf/s, the other 2 games possible smurfs (no exaggeration).
Please don’t be ignorant and give me the whole “it’s your fault, you need to learn to be better” crap. Here’s why:

  1. Ranks and SR are designed to avoid very high skilled players from destroying lower skilled players.
  2. I’ve done extensive trainings, starting from YouTube videos to having an actual coach teaching and playing with me.
  3. I’ve played in Diamond with a friend’s account and I was crushing it. People were actually calling me a cheater because I was that good (no bs, got proof). So instead of dropping I was maintaining and sometimes climbing.

Of course teammates can do better too, but I can clearly see now how many smurfs there are. It is absolutely crazy!
I meet with more and more smurfs, more I meet, more I find out how it is literally like organized underground business with full blown websites and contractors and workers and pricing. It is mind-boggling that OW team is not even doing anything to fight with it. I’ve met people who trade cheats, not the cheap kind, the 300$ kind, but even the most expensive ones get banned after 10 games. So Why hasn’t anything been done so far for smurfs? Why aren’t any steps being made to eliminate or at least improve the situation?
So many people I know stopped playing OW just because of that. And now I’m surely saying that I’m joining thier ranks and leaving this swamp of smurfs.

If OW team was smart (which clearly they aren’t) they’d focus more on this huge problem rather then making stupid skins and voice lines. That’s why they’re gonna keep losing players more and more until thie game is completely dead.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject AND also if you know any other cool games that are good right now, please comment below


maintaining in a higher rank means you were being carried/babied by a good comp to enable you to frag. you still don’t have the skills or gamesense to climb there by yourself, let alone stay there long term. anyone can play some games with higher ranked teammates and win, what matters is the long haul where you will either stay in that rank or climb even higher.

smurfs and cheaters exist in every game. they’ve existed before video games, back in the day they called smurfs hustlers or sharks. fact is, you hit your skill peak and it’s bronze/maybe silver. jayne hosted some of those games where they would put a bronze player with 5 GMs, it shows how a bronze can APPEAR to sort of know what they’re doing when being commanded/guided by pro level players and even win alongside them, it doesn’t change the fact the player is still bronze.


If you want i can duo up with you and help you climb back to where you want to be, im 3.8k exp.

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Would you like to share your proof?

Yet you have hardly any time played this season :roll_eyes:


You litterely offered someone boosting. Pls uninstall.


You litterely getting offended when someone offering help to get back up to the rating he had? He even stated that he was recking ppl in diamond so i don’t really see a problem here.



and dont realise a thing what is an alt account - same elo or near but brand new and for fun almost.

So tell me how am i being at gold rank season9 become a mid-high master player? Huh? Do u think your problem with smurfs wasnt same for me? Git Gud boiiiii, stop search excuses, better look at smurfs at your team,better check your mistakes, not your teammates’s - thats the way to gitgud. and here is your 1-st step - look at mirror, and be hones with yourself - just say - I AM BAD. Do I want to be better?.. If answer is “No” - thanks for leaving!


But, Blizzard believes smurfing isn’t that much of a problem?

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Yeah this game is screwed and the ranks are totally fake right now, because so many people are on alt accounts. Really ruins the ranks and silver people can’t even rank out of bronze, because the matchmaker will force an even match each time. So, even if you deserve to rank up, you can’t because there are so many better players in Bronze for the matchmaker to place in your game to cancel you out for the sake of this “even match.”

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Thats great

I placed low gold on my first account too I also dropped to like 1.5k bronze but did I give up and went to the forums crying about it? No.
I lowered my sens, changed my mentality and played a duck ton of games. Season 10 bronze, season 11 gold 2.2k after 100hrs of playtime, season 12 diamond.
If u are really better then u think u are if u know about the game if u know how to press w and not feed u will climb. Don’t BS anyone about smurfs since we all have them in our games sometimes in their favor sometimes in our. Suck it up and get better that’s all. If u don’t accept it that u aren’t good then simply stay hardstuck and delusional


Clearly, they’re not eating their own dog food if they genuinely believe this

You’re in bronze because you’re a bronze player. I’ve personally been in bronze and got out. There are not enough smurfs to make anyone want to quit. Git gud m9.

Its the neg barrier to entry for the game. They will lose a lot of ppl to this

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What’s wrong with Bronze? It’s literally the very best rank in the game.

Less trolls and people who think that they are secret esport masters, or that anyone cares abou their rank. More fun, they use all the characters in the game, and don’t report other people for not playing what they think they should be playing. I mean, you know, at this point, nobody should be surprised why others want to drop and smurf. The game is better in Bronze from what it sounds like at higher ranks.

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Meanwhile I’ve had people in Masters accuse me of aimbotting

With junkrat… :thinking:


I mean bronze is fine. I have equal fun in all ranks I’ve been in. But you’re in the rank you’re in bc of you, is all I’m saying.

It doesn’t matter it was just an illusion of grandeur anyway. Even if you were the best player in the world, it was still only Overwatch.

Maybe one day the rest of your brain will wake up too.

kid this post is obviously satire

I believe that a large percentage of smurfs are players who have topped out at a season high and don’t want to lose rank. So, they head to lower ranks for practice and the luls. This happens because placements are based on the final score of your last season. Now imagine if placements were based on your season high. There would be an incentive to try and grind higher with no fear of dropping SR and to keep grinding right to the last second of the season. By providing the incentive to continue focusing on their main accounts, a lot of smurfing would cease. Simple fix. Huge result. Blizzard are you listening?