I'm here to promote group finder, that seems to be ignored by alot of people

I have no idea on which rating or in which region you play, but I’m searching for 20 minutes if I don’t play Tank voluntarily.

LFG is great when it works, otherwise just sucks. LFG is pretty much dead in my region, SEA (USA). Though seen it pretty active in Euro and Asia region. And when I tried to use it for archive achievement or recently for Baptiste’s achievement. I got smoked and flamed pretty hard. As we are simply not that good with english, lol.

  • Tried archive no death run, people from another region joined or they simply didn’t realize no death part.
  • Tried 3-3 comp in QP for Baptiste achievement; people simply wanna play damage and was asking how can they switch role.

And you can’t do that in group finder because…? As I said, i never enforce roles, i had my groups go 3-3 , 5-2, 4-1-1…

Thats complete bull. Like i’ve claimed 549342 times on this forums, if you group up with people of ONLY your SR range, the queue times are almost instant. That was my whole point for posting this thread, not getting the evidence everyone on the forum is using as an excuse not to use it.

I play EU and 5 min wait is my record since lfg came out.

It’s easy for you to make this thread when your MMR is in the second most popular category right after 2300SR. I’m sure you’ll have a blast playing with players at that range since one player playing bad here and there won’t have that much of an impact on the game, but when your MMR is +4000 well good luck on finding groups. Literally the only times I’ve found a premade group has been with high tier friend groups that have invited me in after playing a game with them. Finding even +3500 players takes a really long time not to mention having them playing heroes they can play properly. If I’ll queue up with platinum players we end up getting destroyed for 3-5 games until the system properly adjusts our MMR and starts giving us games with other platinum players and then I’ll tend to go 35-2 or something like that against them depending on if the opponents have a GM Widow or something in their team. It’s why I rarely play with a few select RL friends :confused:

But don’t you master/Gm guys use discord for scrims and tournaments?
Like, this is a very old gaming tradition, hell i even know 4 plat players that do this. And you have it for every elo.
You have a bunch of organized tournaments for non pro players, where you have a team, coach and certian play times where you play against other teams in custom games (scrims)
If we’re being honest, group finder and the 222 bull wont do sh**t for you. You and, well, everyone should actualy be asking blizzard to develop and put tournaments in in-game client - now thats something to spice up the game, and almost like a new mode, so people don’t have to do it over discord and similar

Yeah I could setup for that but again it’s really time consuming and I’m already working 41+ hrs a week so it’s not like I have a lot of time to play anyways. The issue isn’t that there aren’t Master/GM players in QP grinding it out day by day because there are as I play against and with them, but nobody uses the LFG feature because in the time you find a group you could’ve already played 2 games and players tend to leave after a game and two so there’s no guarantee you don’t have to wait that time again after just one game. Scrims are even worse than that as you have to coordinate 12 players into the game at the same time (I live in EU GMT +2:00 timezone to begin with which complicates things) so it would be even more time consuming and if something comes up in my busy life ditching/ghosting would be a thing

TBH I don’t think that putting tournaments in-game would even be the solution to players like us. The best way for us to reach out, have premades and all that stuff would be Clans/Guilds that we could socialize with. Role queue is another good fix simply because the biggest and almost only meaningful problem is time consumption which would be diminished by the role queue. That’s why the answer has to be either a long-term social feature or something non-manual so we don’t have to spend half the time setting things up. Currently there is no functioning system for either of these things that reaches out to players

LFG was dead the second it was born in Oceania.

Okay, I will concede that maybe your experience may differ from mine on wait time, but what about my other and main point? The reason that no one wanted to 6 stack before lfg is still in the game? Why would 6 random people that find each other through lfg to play a game with handicaps in place just because they used the lfg tool? Maybe get rid of those, as all 6 stack teams are not 6 friends playing together necessarily.

But isn’t mmr almost the same as your sr? And its way easier to find people of your mmr/sr than a coincidence of having 5 friends that are at your skill level, no?
Like, 95% of the time its never friends in a 6 stack, its always 3 friends tops + randoms or randoms you liked that one game before.
What do you mean by handicaps? I’m not sure what they refer to

I used to use it but now no one else does and it takes too long to find games

Did you even read what I said?
Lfg sucks because you opponents who are usually teamed up before will play cancerous comps like bunker or sombra goats. It’s not fun to play against.
If the game was in a better state that doesn’t let these comps reign superior, then maybe lfg would work.