I'm here to promote group finder, that seems to be ignored by alot of people

Ever since group finder came out i have been using it consistently in quickplay.
It got to a point where quickplay had become so enjoyable with it that I hardly play comp (for which i only duo queue with a mate).
I’m making this thread due to constant complaints about: people playing qp like its dm, 5 dps picks, group finder takes forever to make. I’ve seen these posts so many times that i’m starting to feel like these people are playing a completly different game to me.
People are asking for role queue, and here I am, alreday using it in game.
I search and take only people of my elo, i put in tank-support-dps but i never ever enforce roles.
It never takes me more than 4 minutes, on avarege i would say it takes me 2 minutes to form a group if not less.
During that formation i insect people’s elos, and if tehy are not what i’m asking for i kindly remove them.
The people i get in group finder are talkative, funny, never get triggered, they counterpick, we try hard to win and never get bummed by losing.
If a bad apple joins the group, i just remove him from it and get another one.
I have made alot of friends this way also.
I’m tank/support main and when i want to play dps, I make a group, queue dps and type in title “play what you are bad at” and those have been extremly fun aswell.
When you have a 6 stack of the same elo, the queue times are almost instant.
Even if it took more than 10 minutes to form a group (which it never ever had for me) i would have been worth the games i’m getting to play with it.
I warmly say to all of you.
Use it.
The more you use it the savyer you’ll get on it, and whach your “5 dps, throwers dm” problems evaporate.


I can vouch for this.
When I queue with a spread of golds/plats/diamonds or golds/silvers/diamonds/GMS (i have friends in high ranks), it takes a few minutes to find a match, but if I queue with a bunch of plats on PC or a bunch of diamonds on XBL, it definitely takes less than a minute to find games!


Unfortunately, I beg to differ. It is a great feature once you find a group, but that’s when you actually form a group.

Before I mostly quit playing comp, I went through a phase of using group finder, and it’s all good and nice to join a group, but waiting for the group to fill, hoping that others don’t leave or that people that join are within the ‘standards’ set by the host.

It is undeniable that it is a nice feature when it’s being efficient, however it also easily can be inefficient. I’ve made friends with it, I’ve had wins and loses in it too. But it is a very flawed feature nonetheless.

I’m glad that it works out great for you though :slight_smile:

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It is ignored cuz in the way it works now it is just a time waster and there is no guarantee the people in it are going to be good at all.

All the kicking also doesn’t work in its favor either.


There is a difference between ignoring and giving up.

One- my LFG page is empty 90% of the time.

It takes entire centuries to complete one.

people stay until they win and then leave immediately after even a single loss.

No communication.

And there is no guarantee they will be good.


I mean… okay. Except that nobody* is asking for role queue in quickplay, and LFG in competitive is a completely different experience.

Good to know that LFG works in QP, though, that means it’s not a totally useless feature.

*‘nobody’ isn’t, of course, literal. There’s always that one guy, y’know?

I think a good solution to this would be that if you yourself are not a host of the group, it should be made visibale what are the rules while scrolling over them, in terms of enforced roles and such.
Certian options in terms of looking for party should be implemented also…
The system now serves me quite fine, but it has much room for improvement that i fear it wont get due to its “apparent popularity”

I can’t imagine a universe where you would ever have that guarantee, solo queue or otherwise. You generally never have it in this game, or any game for that matter unless you are playing only with the people you know

That happens rarely to me, more often is it that i will find a group that will play up to 3 rounds with me. Depends more on how was the vocal communication than wins/loses

The only time’s LFG has ever had that many groups/people in it for me is when people were achievement grinding for event modes.


I myself always host groups, so the number of groups doesn’t affect me much, other than that I find it a faster process the less groups there are. Simply cause more people come to you.
I imagine if there were 40 groups searching at once, nobody would ever click mine, or play by my rules.

But oh yeh achievemnt grinding, thats what its best for.

I have all of the golden guns I ever wanted, so I don’t bother with competitive anymore. I’ve encountered so many more instances of griefing and lack of communication there as opposed to QP, to the point where it’s just not worth the losses anymore.

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:man_facepalming::man_facepalming: Ahh, you know it’s being ignored for a reason, right?

It was an extremely long list of problems, which have yet to be addressed by the developers… And example of them is for example the fact that on average it gives teams noticeably harder opponents to fight against. As a personal experience by the way, I had been using the LFG system for one whole year and remained between the same 200SR skill bracket. It has been two days since I stopped using it and started solo queuing and my SR has already increased by 150. And I’m also not the only one who has experienced this. Far, far from it actually…

Other problems such are the longer wait times are not such a huge problem, since that’s what 2-2-2 role lock would do to DPS players when it finally arrives.

The last problem though is the fact that the LFG system is simply unusable in higher ranks. The wait times are simply unreasonable and you can’t even find players for your group in the first place.

People don’t use it because they are ““lazy”” and stuff, it’s just that it is a fundamentally broken system. And that’s where all of your arguments fall flat.

or the game could do all that at a press of a button with role q.

use lfg: form a group, interview everyone, deal with leavers, queue up, deal with leavers, play game deal with leavers.

if anything your anecdote about the fast queue time strengthens the argument for a casual 222 mode.

lfg needs inprovements:
they should add the sr specification setting to all groups to save you having to interview everyone. they should also leave your group in the browser (like with custom games) even while you are queueing or playing so leavers can be instafilled. other groups could also see your group and invite you to a custom game.
they could also expand lfg so you can make 12man groups and take them into your custom games.

So many people who complain and beg for 2/2/2 are also the ones who begged for Group Finder and are now ignoring it, and then claiming “Well no one uses it”. Well, here’s a thought, maybe if everyone who wants forced 2/2/2 decides to use Group Finder then maybe you can find like minded people willing to do 2/2/2 and then all your issues will be solved.

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That would mean that the other team is getting noticeably easier teams to fight against in a 6 stack no?

They don’t need it, infact its not allowed to queue up with more than 1 person in GM. Other reason is that high-diamond + don’t have compositional problems like lower ranks. And ofc the queue times are high, they are like 2% of the entire Ow population. Whenever i had a master in my group for qp, I would even have long queue times. Precisly why i take people of my elo only.

Omg huge /rolls eyes

All it takes i a right click on their portrait and then you look with your eyes at their sr. It doesn’t take an interview it takes pushing 2 buttons.

i love people in lower ranks using this to justify the fact they dont use it … uh, youre not in higher ranks, so who really cares if they use it or not, and how does that effect you in lower ranks …??

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We asked for a good implementation that works, not this. Your argument is very basic

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The group finder would work if it wasn’t for the current state of the game. Every game is against bunker/ junkrat spam/ Doom sombra .
It’s not fun, I would take 5 dps 1 healer in solo queue over that garbage

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Honestly, to me at least, the inherent flaw in lfg tool is for the same reason people didn’t 6 stack very often before it.

The MMR looks at a stack of 6 people and automatically starts applying handicaps. This is would be fine if all 6 stacks were people that played together constantly and could coordinate as such. But when you have a lfg group that has 6 randoms in it the MMR still applies handicaps like those 6 randoms are players that play together. I mean before the lfg tool most players that wanted to 6 stack often would stack no higher in number than 3 because of the handicaps MMR puts in place.

Then of course there is the wait time or what I call the queue to queue. Like others have said the wait can be a bit much if players drop or lfg participation is not high. Even after you get the group you may have it one game before someone leaves and you have to start the process of finding a replacement and hope that everyone sticks around to find said replacement. If people get bored and drop you find yourself back at square 1.

People dont use it because even though it helps it is a system that needs to be refined.

I used it as a secondary argument. Of course nobody cares about it if they are in low/mid ranks, but it certainly affects a portion of the player base, which even though is extremely small, is the most vocal one whatsoever.

And by the way nothing that you said undermined that point’s total validity and the fact that the LFG system is completely fundamentally flawed.

My response is the following: