I'm having connection issues without an apparent reason

I am using a wired internet connection and during the game, when that red triangle indicating a network problem appears, I get disconnected for no reason. I have conducted numerous tests and can guarantee that the only application that gets disconnected is OW, as I remain online on Discord and can play other games without any issues. I never imagined I would have to post on the forums, but this is preventing me from playing quick matches, let alone competitive ones. Is there any known solution from the community?


I sadly don’t know a solution for you, I’m very sorry :frowning: Just letting you know tho that you’re not alone- there appears to be server issues for everyone across multiple platforms and regions. Hoping Blizzard and/or OW devs address this soon, if they haven’t already on X or otherwise.

been getting this every so often the last few weeks. Randomly get red icon then disconnect from game server only to instantly reconnect. Only losing connection in OW.

Same issue. One day it works with a 40 ping like usual and then I get 130 ping that gets higher and higher. Its unplayable and after 800 ping I get disconnected. No other game has the problem.