I'm going to start leaving every game with an enemy Sombra

This isn’t fun. She sucks all the life out of every game she’s in and no matter what I’ve tried I have never found a good way to counter her with the characters I like to play. I don’t understand why she has 250 HP or why Virus deals so much damage on top of the fact she can always be invisible for free and everything else she has access too. I don’t care if she’s ‘‘good’’ or ‘‘trash’’, she ruins my experience every time she shows up.
I really just don’t care to play against this anymore, I don’t care, it’s not fun. If I see her I’m just leaving.

You are going to leave nearly every match? Might as well just quit the game at that point.


You’re right, maybe I’m better off doing that


you think sombra is bad venture is basically a sombra on crack is what i consider venture


that’s the tragedy of overwatch… there is no way to outplay your counters. :rofl:

I have thousands of hours on hammond/doomfist but in most games I can switch to a tank I never play and have a better chance of winning simply because the hero is better for the situation and not because I’m good with the hero.