I'm getting a lot of flack for playing Bastion and a scoreboard would help curb toxicity

If you don’t like Bastion on your team, but you see that he has gold damage and eliminations, you might change your mind.

Someone on the team will always have a medal for those. Medals don’t win games unfortunately. While Bastion is certainly usable in several situations with teams that are down to play along, it’s not always the optimal choice. However, that’s a different argument altogether. I can argue that having gold medals doesn’t reflect your performance.


Gold damage and eliminations don’t mean anything without context, which is why a scoreboard won’t help - it doesn’t provide context.

Bastion is a situational hero, and if you’re catching *flak it might be because your teammates recognize that fact especially if you don’t switch off when it’s not working.


they’d be able to see my K/D ratio and how I’m stacking up with the other DPS on our team. It’s people like you who told me to switch off of Bastion 500SR ago.

all I’m saying is that if I recognize that stuff isn’t dying, I’m never going to look to the DPS that has top dam and elims.

That’s presumptive and incorrect. I might make a suggestion, but I’m the guy who sticks up for people getting flak from their teammates.

That doesn’t matter without context. Sometimes a carry DPS doesn’t even have medals. Medals don’t matter and stats don’t matter without context - which is why a scoreboard would only do more damage. Most people think “big numbers good, small numbers bad” and forget context - and use that as a justification to give their teammates flak.

prove it, I find that hard to believe. the team is winning in this example anyway, no reason to look at the stats

That’s not how it works though. If things aren’t dying, it’s not necessarily the DPS. Perhaps the tanks aren’t giving the DPS good space to work in or creating impactful opportunities. Maybe the Supports aren’t using their utility in a way that enables the DPS to secure kills (Discord, speed boost, damage boost). One of the DPS (in normal situations) will always have a medal for damage, eliminations, or both.

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This is deja vu from the other night lmfao.

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yeah but if things are going badly, just look at the DPS numbers and don’t blame the top DPS, maybe…blame the bottom

And that is why a scoreboard would be harmful. You don’t understand context, and you’ve stated repeatedly that you would use it to blame your teammates. (Give them flak, in other words.)

As far as an example, I’ll give you one I’ve given you multiple times - a Tracer that keeps half the enemy team busy so that the rest of your team has easy fights.

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well that’s not the example I asked for…

what you’re missing is that I have no leg to stand on, where as if I had a scoreboard, I would be self justified.

That makes no sense in too many situations. If you’re running something like Soldier and Sombra, why would you blame the Sombra for low damage and elims when it’s not her job to secure kills? What if you’re running a sniper or any pick-potential hero? DPS heroes each have roles within the role of DPS. Doing more damage or getting more elims doesn’t mean you did more for the team.

On a side note, I don’t think a scoreboard really helps at all in a game like this. It’s just far too nuanced. The important factors and skills in Overwatch can’t be displayed on a scoreboard. Elims and damage aren’t bad stats to show off, but only when you’re looking at your seasonal averages. Game-to-game, it just doesn’t tell you anything.

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I agree. How do you think they should rate each team member from best to worst. It’s a very difficult question.

They don’t need to and they shouldn’t. It would serve literally no purpose. The closest thing we have to determining who is better is SR. MMR is technically far more accurate, but that’s hidden obviously. Once again, it doesn’t matter at all who is better in the match. It’s a team game and if you’re going to play in a competitive game mode, I suggest you learn how to make some sacrifices and get along with 5 other players so you can win the game. Quick Play exists if you want to play your favorite heroes in every situation that doesn’t need them.

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I imagine you giving this same lecture to Seagull :slight_smile:

I don’t watch Seagull too much, but I don’t remember him playing a whole lot of Bastion.

he plays a lot of Bastion

Okay? I don’t fully understand the point you’re trying to make here. What does Seagull have to do with anything? I don’t remember saying anything about him.

Additionally, I checked his main account, and he doesn’t play much Bastion. Maybe he does on his other accounts, but I don’t know. I’ve checked out his stream every now and then, but I can’t remember the last time I saw him on Bastion. He mostly seems to play D.Va, Hanzo, and Sym from what I’ve seen. I took the liberty of skimming through his streams over the past two weeks and I managed to find a game where he briefly played Bastion as part of a meme comp with Emongg and Dafran.

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Rule #1 if you want to climb: Medals mean absolutely nothing

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if I’m going to try to recruit a team from around the internet, I’d at least like a scoreboard to monitor my recruits.

Maybe I should be trying to git gud instead of worrying about a scoreboard. But how does that line of argument hold up when one of the best players in the world wants a scoreboard?