I'm getting a lot of flack for playing Bastion and a scoreboard would help curb toxicity

he plays a lot of Bastion

Okay? I don’t fully understand the point you’re trying to make here. What does Seagull have to do with anything? I don’t remember saying anything about him.

Additionally, I checked his main account, and he doesn’t play much Bastion. Maybe he does on his other accounts, but I don’t know. I’ve checked out his stream every now and then, but I can’t remember the last time I saw him on Bastion. He mostly seems to play D.Va, Hanzo, and Sym from what I’ve seen. I took the liberty of skimming through his streams over the past two weeks and I managed to find a game where he briefly played Bastion as part of a meme comp with Emongg and Dafran.

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Rule #1 if you want to climb: Medals mean absolutely nothing

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if I’m going to try to recruit a team from around the internet, I’d at least like a scoreboard to monitor my recruits.

Maybe I should be trying to git gud instead of worrying about a scoreboard. But how does that line of argument hold up when one of the best players in the world wants a scoreboard?


  1. It doesn’t matter what he wants - he’s not the developer.
  2. Just because someone skilled and famous said he would like to see something doesn’t mean that it would be a good thing or something that makes sense.
  3. An OWL professional is more likely to be able to interpret a scoreboard while keeping context in mind. A scoreboard doesn’t provide context.
  4. Seagull wouldn’t use a scoreboard to blame teammates instead of himself. You have repeatedly stated that you would use a scoreboard to blame teammates - ironic considering this thread is you complaining about being blamed.

man I don’t even play this game anymore

He wants a scoreboard with useful stats like visor provided us with. Garantee you if you were to ask Seagull if medals mean anything he’d say no. That’s why he wants a scoreboard cause medals are useless. Just a simple example of this: A dps trickles in in front of his team and starts dealing dmg. He puts out 500 dmg and then dies leaving the rest of his team to engage on a 5v6 and they lose the point. That person continues to play like this and has gold dmg but is in reality the worst player on the team because he’s providing no value towards taking the objective.

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he wants access to all the stats that the broadcasters in OWL have.

I think most people would be able to see what is happening and disregard the scoreboard in this situation. If the person does this game in game out, their SR will drop until they can carry.

You have a K/D of 2.6 on bastion, your most played hero and the one in question. That isn’t great by any means

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maybe my K/D ratio for that game was 3.1 though.

Then you consistently have games that are far worse. And that still isn’t good

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my bastion carried me from 1300 to 2000, maybe it’s time to stop playing him, but I’ve only been gold for about 2 weeks, so if I don’t get that K/D ratio up soon, I’ll probably drop him

From what I can tell your tanking is far better than your DPS, though that’s with a small sample size

yeah it’s funny cuz I don’t think I play a good Rein. I guess I’m just a natural :laughing:

Could be your DPS holding you back, could just be people in low Elo don’t know what to do about a swinging rein

I have a 55% winrate on bastion. I’ve recently given up on 76 and pharah

And a 65%+ winrate on your 3 most played tanks

and 70% on lucio

Ya see what I’m saying about DPS?

Gold medals don’t mean anything without a W.

If you play Bastion every game and are doing significantly less than 20k DMG/Match you are under-performing which is why you lose so much SR in your losses.

like lol legit nobody ever wants to hear about how a junkrat or bastion has gold medals because you really should have them, no matter what, after 5 minutes of playing those heroes.

the more damage you need to kill a player the more ult charge enemy supports have. you never want your damage done to eliminations gained ratio to be greater than 50%

on top of that, pressure isn’t something you can write down on a stat sheet. OW is bigger than spreadsheets and they really only matter for a hero like Widowmaker because numbers is what a hero like that is all about.

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