I'm Curious,Who Likes Sym's Wall?

We got great dps ults that deal damage like dragon blade and dragon strike. Then we got great dps ults that aren’t used for damage but help you deal damage like emp and blizzard.

What I want to know is; In a world of magical dragon wielding brothers, death-negating medics, time travelling lesbians, genetically enhanced gorillas and hamsters, sentient robots, and a guy who can turn himself into mist… Why is a master architect who is at the top of her field, one who wields light as a weapon and uses teleporters has a big wall as an ult. Are you kidding me?

You would think someone as smart as Sym who also has autism which often further boosts knowledge and creativity in a subject they like (As I’ve seen in my friend, he’s pretty awesome.) Would think of something better or more helpful than a wall. The wall doesn’t even give shields,take enemy shields away, slow enemies who walk through it or anything. It’s just a big blue barrier.

Thank you Symmetra, very cool!

I’m symmetra,I build teleporters(slowly) and turrets. I shoot orbs of light that explode and also have a beam of light that I can charge up to kill you faster. My big game changing ability, my tide turner, my huge impact…is a giant wall :clap::clap: :open_hands: :clap:

That’s the best thing I can think of to build, and the coolest thing it does is allow me and the enemy to play ring around the rosie (pour one out for our fallen brothers).

“It’S Cool beCaUSe iT’S BIg!”
“ThaNKs FOr tHe WaLl, ThAt pUT ThE EnEMy In THeIR PlaACe!”

To be fair, the wall has saved me quite a bit but really? It’s so basic for a character like Sym. It’s like they just threw it in her kit to finish the rework and move on.

Also, this is just my opinion and I want yours, do you like the wall? Why?


Feels pretty useless tbh.


I learned that if you stand in the middle of it, you won’t take damage from Meteor Strike even if Doomfist lands right on you


Honestly, it’s sortof boring… but we’re not likely to get a fourth Symm rework, so we’re probably stuck with it.
Personally I would like to see the wall block every type of damage, including melee abilities…
Maybe even friendly abilities for the red team. Then it’ll pack a punch, and you can use it to divide the enemy.
At the very least, reduce the ult cost by a bit.


I’m actually quite fond of it from a teammate’s perspective but yeah…they didn’t exactly put a ton of creativity behind it.

I still think it should give a buff or debuff to teammates/enemies who pass through.


Personally i preferred her old ults, this one just seems so dependent on what the enemy does, you have to predict the future. The ult could’ve been anything, like an actual DPS move. I dislike the current ult.


Put 3 turrets behind it while you’re at full charge and watch how quickly the whole enemy frontline backs up.

Alternatively, turret bomb the enemy backline and wall off the turret bomb. Not seeing how strong it can be as a zoning ult or a pseudo dps ult is often user error.


I mean, sure if you live long enough to ramp up to lvl 3. And then you’re stuck waiting 30 seconds for the turrets to come back… The kit is just slow, far too slow.


Unfortunately such tactics won’t regularly work at decent ranks.

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I think its boring too, they couldve done a much more creative, useful rework but this isnt the first time Blizzard has proven to us that they lack creativity… Just like the teleporter… it is VERY awkward to use and almost no team mates use it.


lEtS mAkE iT sO sYmMeTrA iSn’T sItuAtIoNaL aNyMoRe

so lets make a wall that blocks this but not rly anything else


i like it.

you can use it to block pharoh ult
it gives you a huge advnatage on the feild.

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I’m still amazed at how many people place it horizontally…


Yay, so it’s basically only use it against Phara and Dva ult. So not situational.

I liked SG/TP more, the ultimate can block out some damage but the thing is that your team mates always ignore it so they go through the shield and die, the ultimate is getting ignored by your team mates.
it was much more fun to hide SG/TP it was like a little hide and seek with tracer. super fun in my opinion. I miss it.


Tbh I think if she had still shield gen instead of wall she’d probably be a really good utility support, better than any iteration of her has ever been, because as it stands her wall isn’t very impactful. I think it’s good but not enough to warrant being an ultimate, at least with her current ult charge rate. It’s really a main tank ability. I like her overall kit change, albeit it’s kind of undertuned, but shield gen would be much better than wall.


Omg me too! I loved giving out shields to allys. It was funny placing turrets around it and watching tracers die form it. It’s a shame they changed her play style.


The trade off of just having it as Photon Barrier is not worth it. Cause you lose a lot of your survivablity.

Honestly we need both Summonable Barrier and this.

Maybe Sym needs one ability slot.

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yes, I really miss it. this isn’t symmetra. sym 2.0 was the goddess of the true reality.


I love it.
As a tank that likes to brawl it’s awesome even in a team fight.
At a distance it’s free cover from snipers and you can pour on the damage. In the middle of a team fight you can shield dance and get value out of it.
An enemy shield wall is more like a nuisance to wait out, a friendly one is a huge opportunity.
The smarter the Symm (timing, placement) the better it is.