I'm back again! (positive feedback!)

So I stated I quit the game awhile back, you can make snarky remarks and point and laugh if you want though the point of my post was feedback and not looking for attention and I did say I would return if things changed and well, here I am!

SO! What brought me back? Sigma, mostly. He’s a good hero and super fun to play, I don’t normally want to play tank and when i have to i just default mostly to rien, but Sigma makes me actually excited to play tank. He’s fun!

I also heard about the changes to the SR system, so I cannot wait to try that out in comp especially comp deathmatch. That was mostly what made me quit honestly was all the spammy mccrees and such and it was more on hero dependancy like his flash bag vs actual skill so it seems more skill based this time so I’m looking forward to it!

My only slight complain is the role queue, and let me explain before you flame me-

I think overall it is good, but I don’t like how it LOCKS you into the slots. I mean this in the way that I would like to be able to switch off of tank if tank is no longer working for me. I’ve had many games where a DPS or Healer is like “yo magic, you wanna take me role and I tank?” And I’ve gladly switched with them, you simply cannot do that anymore. If anyone wanted to switch classes now you can’t, so if someone is underpreforming or not feeling it anymore you just have to to deal and can’t trade off so that’s my only issue with it.

Anyway Jeff did it, the madman. He changed my problems with the game, and added a fun new hero. He brought me back, it’s back on my harddrive again. Feel free to consider this a form of positive feedback about the updates and I cannot wait for it go live.

Cheers, and I hope you all have a good day! And remember, someone quitting or returning doesn’t always have to be toxic! :wink:

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I am glad to see you return. I am scared of 222 myself, but I am glad to see it bringing back old faces regardless.


Like I said the concept is alright and makes a “balanced” team comp, but I kinda wish it was optional or tweaked.

Like yes, queue up as your role but let ppl change a few minutes into a match for cases like I described, when things aren’t working out and you’d be better off in another role.

Or sometimes you just need 1 tank and 3 dps and 2 healers
or 3 healers 2 tanks and 1 dps.

Like it removes the other possible comp options and forces at 222 playstyle which I dont agree with full in that regard.

(though if i had my way I’d have the old style back where we could run all 6 support if we wanted to, ah the good old days. :slight_smile: )

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Sadly it is an all or nothing sort of feature. I just wish they left QP alone. The game needed a major change, and I guess this is that… But man, if it does not work. Yikes.


The thing I don’t get is why the changes are pushed to quick play like its QUICK PLAY. I never understood why they try to make it match comp? If you wanted to play comp go play comp, but that’s just my opinion.

In before “its practice” comments, if you want to practice, go play comp and climb. Get some points while you learn.

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Issue with switching between roles would be that if you’re a GM Hanzo main but in platinum with Reinhardt you could just say “Hold my shield” to the DPS, switch roles and smoke those platinum players for an ez win

and thats why i also take slight issue with the individual role SR vs still having it as one SR overall that just is better calculated than it was before.

But also counter argument, if the GM hanzo switches and starts smoking, the enemy team also has the option to switch and counter him.

If you could do this, with per-role SR you could queue up as a Silver ‘Tank’ and then swap to your Diamond ‘Damage’. You’ll also encourage bullying people into swapping by creating such a system (i.e., people will queue for the shortest queue (probably tank) and then demand that the longest queue (probably DPS) swap with them.)

You could have role-swaps, or you could have a more accurate per-role SR, but if you have both, your system becomes highly exploitable. Blizzard chose per-role SR.

The game will be balanced differently for 2-2-2. With all comps possible, abilities that synergize too well when stacked, then those abilities or the heroes with them have to be nerfed down so that a single team composition doesn’t overwhelm the game (e.g. GOATS and the nerfs to various supports and tanks and the global armor/boop changes.) While GOATS itself needs close cooperation to play well, it’s likely that if you ignore stack synergy and balance only for 2-2-2, then there would sooner or later be other similar synergy powered compositions.

In short, QP would become (and QP Classic will become) extremely unbalanced. And I mean, while I wouldn’t mind playing a few 6-supports compositions in a casual mode, I don’t want to play it every day. Similar to No Limits… I got the team to go 3 bastions+2 orisa+1 mercy on defense once. It was ridiculous, and funny… but also kind of dull after a bit and would definitely be boring if that was how to play every day.

But its quick play if you don’t want to play that way go play comp, i still stand by this statement. I don’t think QP should be forced to be comp, again if I wanted to play comp id go play comp. :shrug: 2-2-2 sucks the fun out of the game a little bit imo. QP being “unbalanced” shouldn’t even be a valid return because its casual, its not meant to be taken seriously like comp. It wouldn’t kill them to toss in a comp practice mode either so you don’t loose SR when you want a real comp experience anyway bc even with 2-2-2 you’re not getting comp skill or attitude to practice on.

Edit: also with the switching… im not talking about adding that as an option in comp so yall are making “silver vs diamond” comparisons but none of that matters in quick play???

That was short lived.

I mean, you’re free to believe that balance shouldn’t matter in QP, but I believe the devs think it does matter. If nothing else, being extremely unbalanced makes it difficult to have fun on all the heroes when a small number of compositions are dominant.

If they did have an unranked mode with otherwise the same rules as competitive, I suppose QP balance would matter less, but I don’t think it ever matters not at all.

Also I’d love for them to do that, have an unranked mode in addition to QP and competitive. There’s apparently concern about splitting the player base, but I don’t know… I hear the QP player base is something like 4x the competitive player base. I think it can be split and still be viable.

QP still has MMR even if it never displays a value to you. It matters less, but not mattering at all is an exaggeration. You could, of course, have a single MMR for quickplay and allow switching, but then you lose the better matching results of role-specific MMR.

As the casual mode that’s a trade off that could reasonably be considered, but I don’t think switching will ever be allowed.