I'm a Level 3 User now?!

Wait, I know people who have 50 visit days and he or she still can’t post links.

If I may, If there are any zarya mains here please help with my guide

OP. Please include this link to the original post. Its an old post but it explains how everything works and how to check it. Its old so don’t bomb it.


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How can I see how many days I’ve been I the forums? And my forum stats in general?

Edit: just figured it out, only at 49 days

Trust level 0, despite being here for 50 days… well, enjoy you’re new powers everyone, guess I’ll never see them :sweat_smile:

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I tried checking my trust level and I got this really long and confusing thing of text.

What that supposed to mean

What are the other requirements? I am on day 50 and still not trust level 3.

Press your name beside the icon. Press “View Activity”. Then “Summary”. Your stats are all there.

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just look for a number i beleive

Can I post links now?

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yeah i heard from people :frowning: i wonder why it works for me :confused:

it’s usually the higher one unless it says “false” somewhere. from what i understand you have trust level 2!

Maybe it has something to do with ‘read time’ as well? and other forum statistics


I appreciate you



Use CTRL + F (if on PC) then search “trust_level” it should highlight a few phrases. Look at the last trust level that is your current one.

Not really sure what my trust level is rn…

I’m level 1 still :sob:
It might be because I got a suspension that ended before it resolved from a troll attack
Stay Positive
Generic Toast

cool, mines 3 too, I wonder if likes has something to do with it.

Trust level 1

Heck I’m not 3 yet

Am i level 2 and what do i need for level 3

That is strange, and it’s flag or ban doesn’t really effect much because I remember hearing that Hippo got banned.

Remember this, positive and constructive post can increase your trust level too