I'm a bronze needing help to get out of bronze/silver

Hello, me and my friend are higher bronze and trying to get out of bronze. I’m around 1100 and friend is around 1400. We’re both decent players from what I gather but need help as there’s many toxic players in bronze who will sabotage your game. Thank you. Hit me up.

You should check out our discord community for bronze/silvers!

I’ll be down to help out!

BN: Jungkook#11336

What heroes do you/your friend play?

Hey, I know what you mean I’ve been trying in comp for weeks but without a premade group where everyone is willing to try it is a lost cause. Nobody wants to conform for the sake of the team. Its just plain horrible. So I’m in bronze and Id be happy to group up add me Aesher#11572

Hello! I am from a massive gaming community with 1800+ active members.

Although, we may not help you personally climb out of bronze/silver, (we still might though) we will help you work and play as a team which will therefore prepare you for your own games!

You might also find people struggling with the same thing you are and you could help each other out!

The ONLY requirements:
Must be 13 or older
Have a mic
Please be mature - Racism, sexism, etc. is not tolerated
Must have Teamspeak - This is our main form of communication

If interested, please reply or send me a PM

I’m looking to climb bronze as well.

You can add me: Hotacos#3454

what is the discord server?

trying to climb out of bronze, add me hydrobomb#11776

MAESHUGHES#1395 add me, im bronze and have a pretty easy time ranking up when my teammates arent vegtables. I have a mic, and non-toxic. This season im mostly dps bc i feel like i have to in bronze other wise i cant have an impact on the game. heros i can play are hanzo, solider, sombra - zen, ana, moria, - orisa, winston, roadhog

Hey there guys! I have a great discord group of people who are all super friendly, helpful and non-toxic. We have a good group of bronze/silver players looking to play together and rank up. We’d love to have you guys come join us! discord.gg/WeJ3BQV