I'm a borderline gold tank player and it doesn't make sense

Flame me all you want, but people do not know how to play properly in this rank, and unfortunately no one follows me. Before 2-2-2 was a thing I nearly climbed to Masters with just Zarya, once 2-2-2 hit for some reason I am a low plat tank player? I have been unable to climb out, and honestly it is definitely strongly teammate related. Tanks make space and play aggressive. When I have an aggressive Rein I win almost every time, most games I can’t ever find that so I am left hanging. I can play other tank roles, but my Zarya is by far superior.
The reason I feel a weakness from when I use to play Zarya in Diamond is that most people cower, run, wait, and don’t push. When I push and try and get others to push with me, I’ll see a Lucio or something join me, then completely ditch and leave me alone while fighting someone else somewhere else.
People split and make weird decisions and I don’t know how to compensate for that.
When I duo with a buddy who is another aggressive tank, we win most games. I shouldn’t have to duo to climb out though.
How could you feel so damn stuck at this rank. I’ve even dipped into gold before.

Back then I couldn’t climb out of Plat as a DPS, so I used Zarya until I hit mid Diamond. Then I swapped to DPS to climb to Masters. Unfortunately things like that don’t work anymore with 2-2-2. The whole 2-2-2 system has made me feel even more useless as a player. I can never make the big swaps I know we need since I am locked to a role.


I feel ya buddy. You get those players who think they are the lone wolf hero, looks like that happens across the board. My honest opinion? Keep pushing through and eventually you’ll get people who will actually play the game with you. As crazy as that sounds most people actually TRY to stick with their tank. Every now-and-then you get BS games and it’s just part of human nature.

Your best bet is to grab a DPS that’s very close to your rank and have them to stick with you; give you someone to depend on.

Best of luck!


You have to change your play style depending on the rank. Playing technically wrong in low ranks (in very specific ways) will get you out of low ranks faster than playing right. But you need to be very aware of when that play style needs to be modified or you’ll get stuck.


I think of it like I do with basketball. I can play the perfect point guard and give my teammates passes that set them up for open shots but if I’m going to win more just shooting the ball myself (due to my teammates missing easy shots and my opponents not being good) then I should just do that.

In OW terms don’t assume my team is going to do something for me, if I see the opportunity for a kill just go for it and get it. Be aware of who I am playing with though, if I run into someone I believe is reliable then play around them more than the rest of the team.


It’s how I climbed originally out of Plat. I kept playing tank because I knew how to play properly I just needed people to follow me. It use to work almost every time. Lately it has felt very wonky. They follow the other tank or main tank over me. I really wish I had strong Rein plays.

You have to change your play style depending on the rank. Playing technically wrong in low ranks (in very specific ways) will get you out of low ranks faster than playing right. But you need to be very aware of when that play style needs to be modified or you’ll get stuck.

This is definitely a big struggle for me. I kinda play one way, watch pros, and improve to play more like them. Which I find doesn’t completely work when others don’t know to play that style.
I mean I can die and it is my fault I died, but the other tank and healer technically should have pushed with me to keep clearing space instead of staying back near cart the whole time. It is my fault because I can neglect to think they won’t follow me, and I tunnel in on creating space far up to kill stragglers. I often find myself assuming they are with me when they aren’t. Definitely noticed that is a problem of mine.

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If you had to swap to DPS to get masters then you aren’t a masters tank. Tanking is much harder than DPS which is why there are so few willing to play tank. You need to to watch coaching videos or get coaching on your tank if you are going to improve.


Only thing I can suggest is grouping up with an aggressive Rein or asking people to group up in VC.

I’ve been getting more vocal in games and seeing some improvement. Some players are like lemmings and just go in without even thinking about grouping up. When our Rein goes in, I say “Help Rein, Help Rein” and it actually works.

Just remember that most players are quiet so a communicative tank can make all the difference.

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If you’re in gold/plat don’t play Zarya as a team player. That’s my advice. See her as another version of DPS. Possibly find a tank to duo with that is aggressive in LFG.

Also nowadays Masters Open Queue = Diamond/Plat Role Queue (same quality of gameplay). Open queue would reward you for being flexible, but now Role queue rewards you for your skill in that specific role.

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If anything the 2-2-2 system has helped the community as it limits people from winning the game just because they have 2 healers from matchmaking luck (just an example), and more about your skill with your individual role.

Also I’m confused; are you a gold tank player or gold border? If you’re gold tank and you’re stuck that’s just because of individual play. There’s no way a diamond/masters zarya would be stuck in gold if you are truely that level. I’ve even questioned my own rank and made this account to see if I can climb out of plat and it was easy. You just have to make calls to your team, have good mechanics, and play in more of a “solo carry” style.

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Unfortunately you can’t just be aggresive and win as a tank in every situation. You have to play around your team and cover up their mistakes while exploting the enemy mistakes. It’s often a poke battle until you see the enemy make a positioning mistake, and then exploit and punish them hard for it. As soon as you are up in numbers, people will typically go aggresive and you can back them up on that.

It is really annoying, but that’s what you have to do as a solo tank. As a duo, you can be as aggresive as you want.

The biggest problem I have solo as a tank is the other tank not picking a synergy tank, or working with me. So I have to play slow and wait to punish the enemy. Some games are just not winnable, but most are.

As a duo, be as aggressive as you want. As long as both tanks are on the same page, you control the tempo. A solo tank just can’t do that.


I climbed to mid Diamond in Original Open Queue as a tank player, then 2-2-2 decided I was 2500 Plat and I’ve been stuck since. My DPS got placed in Masters, and I climbed my Support to mid Diamond. I am a low Diamond, High Plat tank at absolute best in my opinion. Even on losses I am pumping 13k dmg every 10min. That’s nearly double my best hero Hanzo.

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You are also underestimating the amount of people who stopped playing the game.

When there are fewer people to populate the ranks, players get spread out to keep the percentages within tolerance.

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Your tank was most likely never masters or diamond level. Open queue allowed for players to go “hey you suck at that carry role so swap off and let me carry you whilst you play the least impactful role in the game” and this could change the tide of a game but now you’re locked into a role. If your Zarya is really diamond (that is mid or above diamond) then you should be able to stomp your way out of plat.

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Youre just crying because youre bad. nothing wrong with 2-2-2 or your team.

Just learn your role. You want to climb as dps, climb as that same for tank. Ive hit 3600 the last season with no problem. Learn your role.

Also the player population in general get better at the game overall. A masters player a few seasons ago can easily by Diamond or Plat now. Mistakes you could get away with in higher ranks then get punished hard now.

Squad up with plats.

I just climbed over 200 SR in 10 games. I must be awful. Sorry the point didn’t get across. I didn’t say I couldn’t climb, I said I couldn’t climb solo. I queued up with a Gold Rein main and proceeded to win nearly every game.

Never masters, I don’t think I could climb that high. Maybe low Diamond at best.

I squaded up with a Gold Rein main. Good enough. :wink:


Hello to you the OP :slight_smile:

I am not a Tank player but please take a look at this video: (just as an fyi, I am not promoting the stream and a I am neither a follower or a subscriber to Flats, I just like the way he plays and understand Tanks)

He reviewed a Gold Rein in this video. Hope it helps . :slight_smile:


I watch his vids. Very good.

Again, is a matter of play style and the rank you’re in.

Only bronze, but doing better now as learning more tanks and adjusting my play.

Eg, start as Rein. Realise my 2 supports utterly clueless. Don’t get heals. Switch to Hog, salvage a draw.

Start as Rein. Team never follow me and just playing death match. Switch to Winston and frag enemy supports as nobody ever peels for them.

Start as Rein. Solid supports, get stuff done.

Etc etc.

To be fair, gold plus the supports are decent. Flats even mentions they over support tanks at that rank, and dps get left hanging.